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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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I would fight him.


For one reason.


I have Hormone powers sealed by the 13 mark (which is a tatoo that restricts power, and alters appearance it's different for each organization member (though a certain rank must be first aquuired) and is invisible as long as it is active).


Anyway read one piece?


If yes then are you famillar with Ikanov?


If I can get that attack in, even if I lost I'd be content.


@GEHFX: don't encourage him... Fight him one on one or not at all. Conversion of ninjutsu states a 3 on 1 would end in chase's victory until his ego collapses upon himself.

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Exactly link which is why you would lose...and I am currently working on new powers

that aside

Creator if you copied my last resort, nothing would happen unless I bit you

and if you do manage

to activate it

you would die

simply because you haven't experienced it and would fail to get out of the form

the worst thing you can do in a fight with my last resort is copy me

then all I would have to do is exit my form and watch you die

I'm done now

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My Mimic powers allow me to copy certain aspects of an ability while keeping it within my power range. If I were to copy your last resort, then I wound't transform at all, instead I would take the powers it gives you and apply them to me. It would be weakened to where my body could handle the power, while still keep up with you. Also I need not just copy you I can copy abilities from anyone I know. So if need be I could copy Deustodo's abilty to regenerate or allow things to phase through him.

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So wait the Organization is restricting my power?

Wish you had told me earlier' date=' that explains why I'm having a hard time using my powers.



Only the upper echelon, if the power is hidden your impossible to track.


It's like the seals.

You can't beat me, my hormones can block out you're body's abbility to activate our vampiric abbilities.


And that would apply to all of them.


Plus I can change people genders. XD

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http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-184254.html Hey peoples I finally decided to make a full blown contest after my last full contest went down the tube. Just follow the link.


I haven't fought anybody big in this place besides Kailyn and Gefhx. I feel so left out. ;_;

@The Bolded text

Yes and i won XD.



@ Anyone who rates/ C&C's my sets.

Added a new card to my set.



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I know it is, you could beat me.


But if I do it to you I might win the psychological battle.


Plus hormone control is an exact art, you could pick up on it fast but you wouldn't be able to beat my experience advantage. You could however use it against other foes.


Anyway everyone say hello to your new Warden, his name is... Me!


I made a deal that allowed me to make a song and not a card. By using a proffesion I am skilled at I passed handily.


Here is my song.



[spoiler=The ultimate Club in Fake Type history]

Old DMG was hopping around

Any other cards looking for a set to browse

When suddenly she found one she thought was great

But got a rating of ‘4/10 cause fake types are gay’

DMG got pissed and founded the knights

But when it was locked she got a fright

Deus laughed his ass when she started to cry

When the Ultima came down from the sky


And Bagon got to pilot cause Creator can’t do stick

But they crash landed on a werewolf’s dick

Somehow it lived to see another day

But vowed to wipe that grin of the knights’ face

and took a robot and a mouse into his team

and formed a rebellion to kick our hiney

but then the sky started flaming and a treaty was made

thus diplomacy came to save the day


this is the Greatest Club in Fake Type History

Smart guys, mad guys, and Spaceships bigger then the eye can see

and only one general will be made, I wonder who it will be

this is the Ultimate Club in Fake Type History


Caine slathered Flame’s good name

like Gir slathered salsa on his taco’s today

and then Hollow blade vanished with his hollow mask

and like always this made Kairi sad

and Chase was unconscious for over a decade

when Milk finally arrived with a plot, yay

but suddenly the vongola’s appeared and focus was switched

To dark link and some mafia dicks


Then ultima came under attack

and went boom after Flame spammed Pyroblast

What what the funk, didn’t I already mention this?

Screwing up order, god I’m a dick.

then the internet DMG lost

while Alfred-kun tried to make up

with the Fake kingdom but Tim want’s him mauled by bears

then they both got Bel’s Accusing Stare


this is the Ultimate Club in Fake type history

Smart guys, mad guys, and Necro (but don’t tell aqua please)

and only one question, can I get promoted please?

this is the Ultimate Suckup…


Vampire’s cried out, in a tortured yell

down from hell descended Prince Bel

who delivered a blast with darkness of a thousand souls

into DMG’s kneecaps that collapsed with a groan

who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain

as Creator charged up a moonstone beam

but Bell saw through this foolish plan

and he crushed Creator's head with a single hand


then GEHFX the infected and GEHFX the Holon and

Deustodo's second cousin Mr Swallow and

Chaso Zero and Master Remo and

Kailyn Kyosuke and Kairi/MEgami

Nexev, Bagon, Chuck Norris, and Flandre Scarlet

Zauber, Kotaro, every single Mad family menber

Aqua Girl and Leolulz,

El Make, Fannel, Kurashi, and Cephus if he’s showin

all came out of nowhere lightning fast

and they kicked Chase and his Outlier ass

it was the spamest battle the world ever saw

with civillians looking for a mod


and the war flamed on for a century

many bans were made, but eventually

the champion stood, the rest saw the winner was cosmic :

Yugiohjosh asking “what’s the topic?”


this is the Ultimate Showdown of Fake Type History

Cool guys, noobish guys, and vampires as far as the eye can see

and only one survived, I kinda hoped it was me

this is the Ultimate Club now...

this is the Ultimate Song now...

this is the Ultimate Club now...

of Fake Type history.



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I always did like the Ultimate Showdown lol. Some parts were fine however WHY WAS I NOT APART OF IT!!!! I wanna be apart of it I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna! lol (Baby Voice.)


There are some parts that are fine with the song and some parts that were a little confusing..... then again the whole song is confusing lol.

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And that's what's awesome XD


That's one unique side effect...


o.o wait' date=' you're that far already? HOLY CRUD!!!


yes, i am already that far. i tend to focus on one manga at a time until i am caught up, then i follow it through to completion.

actually' date=' he could fight you, but he'd die after a few minutes.


Kinda like hidden lotus...


anyway, how far into Hayate ARE you, zero?


at the start of chapter 72. xD

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Here is my song.



[spoiler=The ultimate Club in Fake Type history]

Old DMG was hopping around

Any other cards looking for a set to browse

When suddenly she found one she thought was great

But got a rating of ‘4/10 cause fake types are gay’

DMG got pissed and founded the knights

But when it was locked she got a fright

Deus laughed his ass when she started to cry

When the Ultima came out of the blue


And Bagon got to pilot cause Creator can’t do stick

But they crash landed on a werewolf’s dick

Somehow it lived to see another day

But vowed to wipe that grin of the knights’ face

and took a robot and a mouse into his team

and formed a rebellion to kick our hiney

but then the sky started flaming and a treaty was made

thus diplomacy came to save the day


this is the Greatest Club in Fake Type History

Smart guys' date=' mad guys, and Spaceships bigger then the eye can see

and only one general will be made, I wonder who it will be

this is the Ultimate Club in Fake Type History


Caine slathered Flame’s good name

like Gir slathered salsa on his taco’s today

and then Hollow blade vanished with his hollow mask

and like always this made Kairi sad

and Chase was unconscious for over a decade

when Milk finally arrived with a plot, yay

but suddenly the vongola’s appeared and focus was switched

To dark link and some mafia dicks


Then ultima came under attack

and went boom after Flame spammed Pyroblast

What what the f***, didn’t I already mention this?

Screwing up order, god I’m a dick.

then the internet DMG lost

while Alfred-kun tried to make up

with the Fake kingdom but Tim want’s him mauled by bears

then they both got Bel’s Accusing Stare


this is the Ultimate Club in Fake type history

Smart guys, mad guys, and Necro (but don’t tell aqua please)

and only one question, can I get promoted please?

this is the Ultimate Suckup…


Vampire’s cried out, in a tortured yell

down from hell descended Prince Bel

who delivered a blast with darkness of a thousand souls

into DMG’s kneecaps that collapsed with a groan

who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain

as Creator charged up a moonstone beam

but Bell saw through this foolish plan

and he crushed Creator's head with a single hand


then GEHFX the infected and GEHFX the Holon and

Deustodo's second cousin Mr Swallow and

Chaso Zero and Master Remo and

Kailyn Kyosuke and Kairi/MEgami

Nexev, Bagon, Chuck Norris, and Flandre Scarlet

Zauber, Kotaro, every single Mad family menber

Aqua Girl and Leolulz,

El Make, Fannel, Wolfy, and Cephus is he’s showin

all came out of nowhere lightning fast

and they kicked Chase and his Outlier ass

it was the spamest battle the world ever saw

with civillians looking for a mod


and the war flamed on for a century

many bans were made, but eventually

the champion stood, the rest saw the winner was cosmic :

Yugiohjosh asking “what’s the topic?”


this is the Ultimate Showdown of Fake Type History

Cool guys, noobish guys, and vampires as far as the eye can see

and only one survived, I kinda hoped it was me

this is the Ultimate Club now...

this is the Ultimate Song now...

this is the Ultimate Club now...

of Fake Type history.




I'm in doubt of saying worst music ever or Epic weird thing.

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