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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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ALso' date=' gefhx, how did you become so good at GFX?


Natural Epicness, or maybe because i have a overactive imagination, a IQ of 151, Overactive Epicness and Failure, im in it for teh lulz......... The truth is i was just naturally good at it.


@ Aqua

ill check out the set.

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Still can't believe you, sorry.


Well, then again, for all I know, you could be a woman.


yeah, that's how much I know you...


then again, I doubt chase-kun could get a girl friend (not girlfriend, though that's anothr thing)


so you're most likely a guy.

Methiks i know what link is keeping from us

just a little thought that whizzed through my head

and I sent me examples done at last (just remembers app forms i have to do)


enlighten me...

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don't you mean 1 spot left? or did you forget that you have to go up against me as you had promised? *glares*

[spoiler=Well Deus' date= someone else had said this first, so i decided to quote it saying]

you are so f*cked (for the lulz)

[spoiler=just because it sounded fun when put into dueling format. :lol: My next suggestion actually had some considerable thought put into it. in the end, i came up with the name]

Triad of Hades.

[spoiler=things then got quiet for a while and i had thought that a final decision had been made. but alas, i was wrong. you reposted the pic and i said something to the effect of thinking that i had said]

Triad Dragon

[spoiler=or something like that. the discussion began a new and nexev suggested the name of]

Schizo, Sanity's bane

[spoiler=which i thought had sounded far closer to the mark then my previous attempts. going off of what i had suggested before, but also using nexevs previous suggestion as a source of inspiration, i finally decided on the name of]

Triad Dragon: Schitzoid of Death

[spoiler=which i believe to be a very fitting name insofar as it involves this pic that you had posted twice over, and which i am now posting for the third, and (hopefully outside of card format at least) last time.]














duestodo needs to see and comment on this, he also needs to read all of it.

My grades are okay.







and I don't even try...


Anyway' date=' were you the one who suggested that Aqua and Kari might be the same person?


If so...


NEVER suggest that again.


Just do not...


yeah, they are 2 separate people. if they weren't i would have already been beaten up like 50 times or so by now. xD

I was just joking around...yeesh~



getting close to lv5

Gefhx maybe I might bother making my examples todaay

........so not funny chase. the next time you joke like that' date=' you are dead. :evil::evil::evil:



it's complicated. I don't feel like repeating it, so ask zero or el make.


Wait, has the shop been updated already?

wait...ask me about what now? *sweats*

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...you really like to talk about something so utterly pointless don't you

I was just being me who says pointless things

and the fact that

A. you think you can kill me when you know nothing about me

B. youre being offended of something that well has no point in being offended of.

these show you are currently invalid



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