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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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how about telling me the riles now so i can get started on the card huh? =/ and also vote in my current one on one against striker if you have yet to do so people! oh' date=' and remember that when voting in that one on one[b'] that you are supposed to be voting for the most op'd card.[/b]


Yeah.... no.


Just no.


I'd get a fail poster but the internet will crash from the amount of gigabytes the poster would take to encompass that fail.


Why the hell did all of the fake clubs take latin sayings, do we want Alfred to have started a fad?


We should use Portuguese instead since at least one person speaks it.

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*Smacks Zero across the face*


H-How Dare you! Zero! You have no right to Tell My Linky That I dont wana see him! I may mnot wana date him becaous hes not a girl And I'm depressed about it But I would Never be that shalow!


*Slugs Zero twice And looks For sledge hammer!*


Aqua's No very happy eather....... I'm so pissed at you!




*Hugs linky*

I would never.....

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*is harshly beaten and slams into the ground* but that's not what i meant! i just meant that he should probably keep his distance for a short time so that you had a chance to feel better? and i was constantly trying to get him out of his depressed state, although i admittedly hadn't met with much success. *groans in pain as he tries to get up and shakes his head at his own foolishness*

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Add a fake type to a real type is like coating yourself in cardboard to defend against attacks.


Against fake type haters it is impossible to argue for them, since they are completely right in saying a Wyvern falls under Dragon.


So if the locked room has no roof I will use the ladder.


How obvious was that flaw?

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