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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Not exactly' date=' we have a treaty.


If they break the treaty they break all pretense of being on the side of justice ad morality.



We have one with the Rebellion to prevent Flame Wars and Spam Fests and getting both threads locked and both organizations banned, which would be bad for both of us. We have no such treaty with the Destruction, and I doubt Ally will agree to one.

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*Hugs Kari back tightly and places my hand on the back of her head affectionately.*

Well, Bel, if they spam us up, and they aren't even a member, we can just point that out to Flame Dragon. He did point out that the third time Ally pointed out the supposed "spam" in the original thread, it itself was considered spam. Thus, he may or may not ban the spammer and allow us to continue with the same or lower level of spam we have now. At least this time we're doing something about it.

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Doesn't work that way Chase.


Should we point this out we get unlocked and they get banned.


And the psychological aspect shows that it is not us who are the spam hole and it is a merely fabrication made by those intended to harm our cause. Plus it makes them appear petty and weak. This bolsters support on our side and eliminates threats.


A complete victory on our side

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NPG sigh

hi kari youre back


and i declare that if alf does spam us we release a hurricane of negs, gossip, etc. to teach him sa lesson

@nex just going off what DMG said i know that we are anything but a spam hole and you are right

people fear change thus they rebel thus we rebel for the change and all that other crap id rather not think about and just takes a naps instead

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kari, what did i say about getting depressed? don't make me tickle torture you.

and yeah, we can just send anyone who spams or flames us to the burning dragon. as for me, i could always send them to this guy here! :twisted:





You called? :3


Yep :3


Go get em'.

this quote is credited to charizard and rinne.

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*Hugs Kari as tight as possible without hurting her*

I wish I had a choice Kari. But I don't. My mom said we couldn't afford it anymore, so she has to cut the internet so we can pay bills and keep our stuff. Besides, theres always the library, and I can take my laptop to school and hang out in the parking lot a few minutes each day and see whats going on. Anyway, we should continue this via pm before the Burning Draco barbeques us and serves us to Rinnie.

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FTD rhymes with STD!!!

and that is exactly the perfect definition for that club

bagon try to do two things

1.Expand the amount of words you post

2.try not to ask questins with these short posts



That's why Bagon wasn't chosen to be temporary leader. anyway:

I explained to Majortim why my Loli's deserved their own type, and he asked me why I'd make weak humans into cards, and that Konami never made useless cards like that. Then I explained to him that they ahd powerful effects to compensate, and pointed out that Konami made the Ojamas. Seriously, check out the thread.

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