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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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I know I won't be promoted.


At least not by Tim.


Or not now.


As long as I'm active and helpful I can work my way up in spirit.




Hi Ceph, I'm Nex. Apparently I'm pretty popular.


I am helpful but only skilled at rating and fanfic help.


But I can make theme songs.

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Well people while I'm away discuss several possible Fake Types and attempt to prove wether or not they would be acceptable Fake Types.

Once these types are choosen please PM them to me and I will look them over.

If they are acceptable I will ask them to be added to the list.

If I deny them and I am given a very strong (and I mean more than just "cuteness") arguement then I will reconsider.

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New Fake-type: Entity

Fake-type info: Entity-type monsters is something I thought up when thinking about how some of the titans drifted in space as clouds of energy after being banished by the gods. My thought on Entity-type monsters is that they come to the field use up their power in one turn then destroy themselves and *defend from the graveyard exept for most of the most powerful Entity-type monsters.

Example: 98750.jpg


*: That pretty much means I made it up on the spot. I really thought that'd seem a little UPED cause there'd be no monsters on the field which would leave you wide open.

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Types do not define the Effect the monster card is given. That is the job of a sub-type. The Type of a monster defines what the Creature/machine/person/thing does and looks like. My Inventors are people/things that look like they are ready to build something.

Warriors look ready for combat, and engage in close combat.

Entity is any sort of living thing, or supposed living/once living thing. As suh it could be classified as any of the already made types.

Thus it is a sub-type.

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I resubmit for consideration the Hunter and Maverick types. i shall now post an example of each and have below a copy from my previous explanation when i spoke with kailyn.


@kailyn: why their own type huh? well you are familiar with what mavericks are and how they come to be? even with machines, such a complete change in persona is impossible. unlike machines, reploids and the like, though being mechanical in nature, have feelings, and thus are that much more evolved (and dangerous) then other cybernetic organisms that had been used in the past. since the mavericks can't be allowed to run around unchecked, the maverick hunters a repliforce were created to help keep them in check, and to attempt maintaining some measure of peace. however, instead of saying maverick hunter and repliforce, those 2 can fit under the one type of hunter, since they both fight against the mavericks that are reploids having malfunctioned (usually due to an outside influence) and started going 'berserk', although their objective is made quite clear as stated by sigma at the end of X 1.

any other questions?


and kailyn never answered this. :x

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