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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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That's not 1200 stars.


It has negative dark stars which cancel out positive dark stars.


So it's actually zero stars.


unless you are using absolute value when HS cards are used then it might be 1200.


DMG: Right, wich means absorbers are overpowered, you only need three of them to keep the game in a primal lock, which negates every trick of your oppenets besides monsers with high attack, but your monsters still have effects so they can still get stronger.


You can practicly end the game in turn three.

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That's not 1200 stars.


It has negative dark stars which cancel out positive dark stars.


So it's actually zero stars.


unless you are using absolute value when HS cards are used then it might be 1200.

That shows how you don't how about H.S. Cards, the card in the middle treat all cards as positives or negatives ones (Its up to the controller). Dark Stars = 10 Stars. So 120 x 10 = 1200.

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I'm slaping bolth of you in the face.

*Slaps aqua and Nexy in the face*


Listen! Bolth of you are rong more or less Aqua.


The wikia you(nexy) were only looking at what you wanted to hear, "Toon,Spirit,Etc, are treated as effect monsters"


Meaning by your lodgic Nexy If I activated a card that destroys all spirit monsters, it would kill my RDA.


If you look at ... lets say DW it says Negate a monsters Effect(not Effect monsters Effect).


What aqua is sayin is that shes not targeting the Effects, as you think, shes actualy targeting the sub type of Effect monster.

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actually megami, there are cards that specifically target the sub-types. (i.e. spirit monsters, synchro monsters, etc.) for example, there is chthonian polymer and synchro deflection. now insofar as a spell or trap does not target a specific sub-type, (i.e. stardust, prime material, etc.) then it would effect all applicable monsters. so you see, unless a specific sub-type (or class) of monsters are specifically designated as part of the cards effects, then it would effect any and all applicable monsters who have effects. sorry, but as a friend of mine would say, "it's the mechanics of the game. so...please don't hit me? xD

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it's like quadrilaterals, both rectangles and Rhombus's are parraleograms.


Tierfore they have to follow parraleogram's rules.


However a rectangle doesn't have to be a rhombus.


SO if you use a anti spirit card ony spirits can be affected. Non spirits aren't affected since they aren't spirits.


But a anti effect monster card works on a spirit since spirit is a special Effect monster.


Since the absorber targets Effect Monsters it hits an subtype that is a special type of effect monster (which leaves only one tuner and a couple of fusions).


So what Aqua is saying doesn't mean anything, what matters is what the card says.


And the card says it hits all effect monsters.


So Flip, Toons, Gemni (but only after they where Gemni summoned), Union, and synchro are useless.

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Deus, why did you write Twilight?


Anyway I end with this.


If absorber ever becomes a real type it will wreck meta as bad as slivers (and in magic the gathering Slivers are the decks that makes everyone think your a dick if you ue) but worse.


It negates all but three decks:


Vanilla Beatdown


DEcks using high attack creatures with debilitating effects (a deck completly dedicated to fighting absorbers)


Another absorber deck. (It's immune to absorbers and can wreck non absorber decks)


SO any decks besides those don't stand a chance.

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Yeah but those aren't that common.


Plus then your decked would need to be filled with them or vanillas.


It still kills thousands of deck strategys.


So it's still bad. YOu want to add more options not take them away.


It's like the exact opposite of what a fake type stands for besides the literal translation.

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Skill drain is negated by the trap absorber.


Effect absorber negats Plasma.


The eventual Spell character negates the rest.


And Gemini monsters only work like vanillas, their gemni summon will be nagated.


Essintially if you have three out only high attack monsters can stop them.


Unless of course they use thier effects to strengthen themselves.


Basically it boils down to sheer luck, you have to be able to activate an absorber negating card before the absorber comes into play.


If you fail then it's pratically game over.


So even though a handful of cards can stop it, thier are a huge variety of decks that are rendered obsolute.


It's a game killer, even if they get it out and you win for a moment the game was reduced to set, normal summon, switch to defense mode, and attack.


It screws up the game.



@Deus: Me neither, except it might be 5, or 6.... I don't know.

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Oh, did I mention I could play a wonderful monster known as Lava Golem by using the absorber monsters as tributes, they can't stop it? there are always answers to duel problems. How to go about doing so is up to the duelist >.>


The absorbers do wreck lots of gameplay, but recall it's all about timing. One bad play and they're done for good.

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I say just kill everything with grandora! (joke) XD


No, but really, I think we've gone too deeply into this...


also, ch 38 is up...


ch 39 is a bit um... well, let's just say it involved the mafia and Kailyn...


ch 40 is the great filler.


Ch 38 is added.


Ch 39 is done, but not aded.


I'ma make holo cards for the FK RC thread.

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