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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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I've been concentrating on to many other things to think about this site. (Ex. 358/2 days. Man that's addictive.)


I don't got any ideas for FTs right now but I'm still thinking about it. It's actually kinda difficult with a certain rule I've set in my mind concerning FTs.


Good types gotta have their own thing. They gotta have very little to do with real types.

I.E: Draco (A Fake type I thought up the first time you asked.) is a form of Dragons and therefore shouldn't be used.

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I didn't make the rp. I simply wrote it down and told you about it.


I would need DMG and the advisor's blessings to make it the club rp.


[spoiler=Opening post]

"The moon never leaves the Karmdarcer empire."


This phrase is a cruel reminder to our servitude, our forced subservience to this cruel empire. We, the people of Paktesefy once lived in a paradise. Now we live in slums, forced to slave for our cruel masters. Once I was a an archmage a hero of this country, then the Nobles declared my power a "threat to public safety" now I'm forced to wear these shackles as they use my magic for "productive purposes". And you now what those productive purposes are? Powering their Gargantuan war mechs! Are we livestock? No! We are people, and deserve to be seen as such!


But this Nobles refuse to see that, they close their eyes to our suffering. They see only their dreams of their alleged superiority.


Well it's about time they woke up! I, Nexev have been speaking with the former high council of Paktesefy and they agree. We, the people of the beloved monarchy of Paktesefy, declare independence from the Karmdarcer let them come if they dare to challenge us! We will force them to bathe in a pool of thier own blood! Who here is man enough to pick up their rifle and join in our liberation!


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...Jolta, your on my hitlist.

Or at least your avatar is.


Chapter 36 is up.


Also, I do think josh spams alot, but...


well, so do we...




Yet only he gets warned.


(it's like we think of remo and josh. Get out da banhamma!)

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I've never gotten a warning, cause my spam posts also have info on them. ^_^ me smartz.


updated my sig, so now it's epic.


Also, I'm stuck on what do to for the fight during the next chapter.


I'll probably come up with something or other, though.

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