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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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I don;t beleve you. You have no butler. You're too... you... to have a butler...


and yes, that;s what I was getting at.


But in 32B, you decided to do things to DMG in her sleep, Deus caught it on tape, and showed it on youtube, cause you were too busy enjoying yourself.


Too bad 32B will never get out to the general public.


But Megami will read it.

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Go here vote me vs dmg!


also cre-Kun


When a card effect is activated negate that effect if your oponet has a quick-play spell card or continuous trap card, if you chose to activate this efect your oponet discards all spell and trap cards in thier hand.


Well you can OCG it but its pretty good.

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