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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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you have 50% warning?


For what?


Also, now we need about... 6 more people to join.


Then we can start.


I made the subtype couple, how's it sound?




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Couple Summoned by Tributing 1 "Hayate the Combat Butler" and 1 "Hinagiku - Student Council President" you control. During your Standby Phase, you can draw 1 card. During your End Phase, if you have more than 3 cards in your hand, discard 2 cards.

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Different process same results.


It's worse than ritual since you need 3 cards and two get discared.


You might as well make couples like contact fusion bu able to split every standby phase if you want them to.


But that makes them an unofficial archetype not a subtype.

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I still don't think a tournament is a good idea.

People hate losing and will keep one-upping the other so they don't and in the end only one person is happy.


And that person will be Rinnie when she gets to lock it for "God-modding"


Now, should I use an alternate character for this, or just tone down my main character's powers...Meh, I'll use an alternate.


Now, about the couple Sub-type, seems like it'd be useful. Somewhat.

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