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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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True. I liked caine better before he became what he wanted to take down. (I'm not saying he bacame a super mod, just saying he became a monster)


His view were obviously different than the FKs. He wants to end injustice on a large scale, we just want fake types to be accepted.

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I'm still in Turkey


I think I should create a new Subtype survivor. I'll need a pic. Card is kinda incomplete, so no pic. Something's wrong with the comp I'm using, so I'll complete the card when I return.




While this card is face-up on the field in Attack Position, all face-up Survivor monsters on your side of the field are treated as Effect monsters with the following effect:

-This monster is treated as a Mad Puppet-Type while face-up on your side of the field. When this monster is destroyed, inflict 600 Life Points on your opponent directly.


I kinda wanted to copy the Survivors of Duel Masters. Hehe.[/align]

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