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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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No, I can't deal with he fact that in a matter of a half a day, this club went from being great, to crumbling to pieces. It's not the fact that we lost a few members, it's the fact that we actually began beating down on each other, which actually happened before in many occasions, but nothing like this. That's why the fanfic is goin byebye after the fall of the FTK (it will have a difefrent ending none of us will survive.


I will, though, stop the spam.


So, any new types or... wait, who;s in charge of the FK set now??


At last, in a position of power. (even greater than general)


okay, enough depression, We still ahev me and deus, and if we all pich in, I'm sure we can replace the void left by the 3 members (4, if you count yugiohrulz)


We need to go down with a bang in the fanfic secttion, make a new RP with a good plotline, and continue the FK set.

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not bad at all. I like them.


Also, yeah, I was pissed earlier, I will, in fact, be continuing the fanfic after the FTK. I just needed a few minutes to calm down after reading the last few pages.


Also, what do you guys think of "Sanity" as a type?

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