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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Look...simple fact of the matter is that those who walk out from teh club are entitled to do so.


It's up to us who are left to decide what to do.


And think of others...Duestodo...Bagon...You, me, Linky...DMG


We still decide whether this lives or dies...nobody else.


If all wish to leave, then you have said right. Once you do, you have no right to tell the club members what they can or cannot do...


in that respect...I believe this club is still worth fighting for. I hope those who remain here believe so too.




Uhh...duh? what do you think ive been trying to say?

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(gefhx using my bros account again, anyways i just needed to post)



Creator i repsect your decision i bid you farewll for now. And trust me once my ban ends i will do everything in my power to make sure the fake kingdom does not fall.


Suggestions to Everyone else, even though i cant post that much on my bro's account you guys need to keep the FK running and we will need to recruit more people and promote people.


Anyways c ya i will be on the FK site until my ban lifts so.....bye until then

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Look...simple fact of the matter is that those who walk out from teh club are entitled to do so.


It's up to us who are left to decide what to do.


And think of others...Duestodo...Bagon...You' date=' me, Linky...DMG


We still decide whether this lives or dies...nobody else.


If all wish to leave, then you have said right. Once you do, you have no right to tell the club members what they can or cannot do...


in that respect...I believe this club is still worth fighting for. I hope those who remain here believe so too.




Uhh...duh? what do you think ive been trying to say?



Im sorry I think I'll stay...


Well as highest online ranking member on right now I guess I'll have to do this.

Pikachu we just suffered from a slight conflict which caused a few members to leave we are no longer fighting so please don't worry


I think not I retake my spot as 2nd warden.


We will not falter PIKA!


You will have your hell!

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ok...long story short...



Caine and Cre-kun got into a major arguement.


both have left the club.


Other members have also left.


The three of us are the only ones who were still online to witness this.


Kari and Chase are putting up with it, although they seem to have some minor disagreements.


Im here trying to hold it all together, but i remain calm.

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Great, I leave for a second and Creator and Caine got in "Mortal Combat" and both of them left just because Flame Dragon become a Super Mod. Also, did somebody forget about me? Not that I'm important, but I like to be mentioned. Anyone, Live continues, and so we should, now. And DMG, if you want to know more, read the previous 3 or 4 pages, if you aren't lazy enough for that. Now, if you excuse me, I have to make the Member Card for Flame Dragon for his reward to become a Super Mod.

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