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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Fighting amongst ourselves is no way for a club as great as the FTK/FA/FK ...


Caine, Cre-kun...I respect you both.


Fighting over opinion is NOT a quality of an intelligent individual.


I as a neutral party see pros and cons to both sides, and I say this...


any more talk about this and we'll be locked again.




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Both of you shut the godamn mother funk up

all you are doing is causing contraversy within our club you've already upset Kari you are proving absolutely nothing no scratch that you're both proving that you are buffoons by argueing over such a trivial matter so grow up

I'm funking 12 and I see how stupid you sound

I think you guts owe a few people an apology for this ridiculousness

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This discussion must be finished if this is what it takes for Caine to see how much this means to me then so be it.


I hereby resign from the FK, I wish you all the best of luck down the road you walk. I have heard DMG before and knowing her she will side with Caine and as such I have lost and as our agreement was I leave the FK knowing that it wil continue to thrive without me.


I bid you adu.

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Great, Sakuya ditched.


This reminds me of a time where Davok, Zex and Clair (the best menbers of ORganization XIII) decided to leave since the club got spammy.


This club however will not fix itself so readily.


Look around you Caine, the Kingdom you are so faithful to is falling apart. And the so called corrupt mods didn't need to do a thing. Is this your Justice?


I must keep my promise. I bid this club goodbye. Hopefully my premonition will prove false.


I resign as well.

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salvation through destruction...


look at the mess here. What would DMG say?


honestly, i'd never allow this to occur in my own club...and certainly not here...


tho it is a bit late for that. w/e


all of these things that you guys have posted concerning nothing about Fake types is considered to be spam...


and that means I too am guilty for an earlier post.


but as for this post, i speak on my behalf that I shall continue to make cards with good fake type no matter what happens here tonight.

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salvation through destruction...


look at the mess here. What would DMG say?


honestly' date=' i'd never allow this to occur in my own club...and certainly not here...


tho it is a bit late for that. w/e


all of these things that you guys have posted concerning nothing about Fake types is considered to be spam...


and that means I too am guilty for an earlier post.


but as for this post, i speak on my behalf that I shall continue to make cards with good fake type no matter what happens here tonight.



Aye my friend See you out there in the world.

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the chaos tonight is just...awful.


and worst of all...it could have been avoided...but now both are gone, like an angry married couple...and though theres little reason to fight, they now both leave us.


not to mention others leave as well....


...well...this sucks.


In other news this is sorta like an anime...kinda like...well i suppose when Team satisfaction (YGO 5Ds) fell apart. It was like it could have been avoided.


to that I say...I shall have to make cards for this...telling our story...ill get Linky's help.

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NO! You must continue to fight, just because 2 people leave does not mean you fall apart! If you truly believe in what you stand for you will keep this going! I may leave now, but I will still stand with you, so count me as a rouge if you will. I will stand with you when you call but I will not affiliate my self with you.

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Caine...I'm sorry...


but there are still others who are a part of this group...people that I too care for...


even if im not very consistient with my posting...


To let the whole club die because we lost two of our greatest members is utter foolishness.


That would be like asking Yugi to give up dueling because he lost the Egyptian God Cards for good.




You're kinda contradicting yourself there...

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