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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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You have my profound sympathies.


My brother got Cs and he had to stay afterschool for tutorin. Not as bad as your situation though.


Be thankkful your not in Organization XIII, someone got upset thier and they just told him to suck it up.


All I can offer you is this. I'm supposed to not use the computer on weekdays but still do. Maybe you can try to see your girlfriend in secret?

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Sakuya I respect how you feel and all but if you spent 1 week in my shoes you would have killed yourself 3 times

my life is a living nightmare in fact the only reason I'm still alive is because I'm looking for a light at the end of the tunnell I've come very close to suicide multiple times

I stab myself on occasion I've had these problems my whole life so before you rant on how much your life sucks remember about 1,000,000,0more people have it worse

I'm done do I'll stop now

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Okay how about this.


Roxas is going to get promoted to moderator apparently sometime today.


His sections are Clubs & Organizations, Pop Culture Cards, and Any Other Cards.


Which is about all the areas we are on besides roleplay.


Plus Roxas is a good internet friend of mine so yay.

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Ok, Kari is going to hate me but

Kari get over it. Most people here could care less about how crappy you life is at the moment. We all have our own problems to deal with without having to listen to yours, so kindly don't post your problems here anymore (This goes for everyone).



Nope its true, Roxas is becoming a mod.


Now lets see....

contestants for the promotion contest are:


2.Caine Ghest


4. ?????

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