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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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I knew you would win, so that means that we have offcialy defeated the FTR, now we can scratch them off our list. Oh look FD is next, lets get that Mod!


Also I added the Ultima to the FK set, I'm working on more support cards, and since I'm only doing 40 cards for the set I won't be able to fit them all into the set. So if you want your type to be in it, please PM me a card you made with FTKB- in the set ID. I will then add it to the Booster pack in the same thread.

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Well, just to show some of my work with my Chaos Monsters, here, 2 examples of Chaos Monsters:


[spoiler=Chaos Monsters]


This card is also treated as a Beast-Type. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned with "Chaos Zone". This card cannot attack in the turn it is Special SUmmoned. This card is unaffected by Monster, Spell and Trap Cards Effects. This card cannot be destroyed by battle while "Chaos Zone" is activated. As long as you control this card, you cannot Summon a Chaos Monster. Increases this card's ATK by 1000 during each of your Stanby Phase (This effect is disactivated when this card's ATK reach 6000). This card cannot attack unless you Tribute 1 Beast-Type monster you control. When this attack your opponent directly, the Battle Damage this card inflict is halved. When your opponent activate a Spell or Trap Card, you can toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, negate the effect and destroy that card, if you call it wrong, inflict 500 damage to your Life Points. Once per turn, during your Draw Phase, if you have 5 cards in your hand, return all cards from your Graveyard and hand to your Deck, shuffle your Deck, and draw 5 cards. If your opponent would win the Duel by "Exodia, The Forbbiden One" Effect, remove all cards from your opponent's hand from play.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except with "Path to Perfection". This card cannot attack in the turn it is Summoned. This card is unaffected by Monster, Spell or Trap Cards Effects. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control 2 LIGHT monsters, you can remove 1 Spell Card and 1 Trap Card from your hand from play so this card can attack your opponent directly. This card cannot attack unless you Tribute 1 monster you control. The Battle Damage this card inflict is halved. This card cannot be destroyed by battle with a Level 9 or lower monster (Damage Calculation applied normally).



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I probably wouldn't have cared as much that Deja closed the RP if it weren't for what he/she said after that. (Whine and you get banned.) That's just not cool.


Also you guys should really put the FTF link in the OP. Good thing I'm a forum window shopper otherwise I wouldn't have known what you guys are talking about. lol.


Glad the 5v5 is done. Will the FTR be closing shop for good or will it be remade like they said they would?

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that's actually in my chibiz sig. I love loli punch.


Also, why has every1 suddenly stopped posting? I mean, there must be SOMETHING to think about.


Oh, yeah, I think I convinced my friend to join YCM (during winter break)


He also supporsts fake types for a couple of reasons


1.The reason ppl come to this site is to have fun, so why be so serious about types?


2. He thinks fake types are fun.

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[quote='Sakuya Izayoi' pid='3469513' dateline='1260644628']
Yea shure if you want I already made one for DMG.
Lol perfect clone that is.[hr]
Ok I want you guys to go to you tube and watch the funy est thing you ever seen.

then watch this!
then watch this!

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I've actually considered ending the fanfic at the FTK several times. It's takin up all of the free time I have after school, especially at the rate I've been going. I still continue though, because it's fun. Hard, but fun. Besides, I know you'd all be distraught if I stopped.


Speaking of distraught, I'm going to list the members I'd miss the most if they left because I want to start a new topic.


Not in any particular order, off the top of my head and not counting DMG, cause she's the leader, and if she left, well, yeah...


1. Kailyn

2. Creator

3. Deustodo

4. Sakuya

5. Chase (yes, that chase.)

6. Bagon

7.Nevex (he's new to the FK and he's already awesome)

8. Caine

I may be forgetting someone...


Also, if you guys want, I can post my paint drawings of you.

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