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Fake Kingdom Nusquam Mos Subsisto Nos

Spirit of DMG

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Hey I only did it twice and once was because I couldn't see the last post which I quickly edited. The second time was because I'm pretty sure I was being complimented.


P.S: last time I checked I was like in second place for posts. It's crazy cause I don't post there often. The fact that I was even above 20 was suprising to me.

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so... why's talkin about infras bad? I quite like their red shade.


Changing the topic: I added the ch 3 preview but no one commented... odd... oh well, as long as it tells the story. In 6 chapters we can apply for it to get stickyed.

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We can discuss all sorts of things there. It's be fun.


Also, I think Rune is a good type.

So far there are only a few types that we made and don't fit into anything else.



Anything else?


Ah yes... puberty.. the time I started likin lolis.

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