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Torture Toys, for Return of Yliaster


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Toy Puzzle Piece 1

Normal Spell Card

Add one "Toy Puzzle Piece 2" from your deck to your hand. You cannot activate it this turn.



Toy Puzzle Piece 2

Normal Spell Card

Add one "Toy Puzzle Piece 3" from your deck to your hand. You cannot activate it this turn.


Toy Puzzle Piece 3

Normal Spell Card

Activate only when "Toy Puzzle Piece 1" and "Toy Puzzle Piece 2" are in your Graveyard. Special Summon one "Torture Toy Puzzlemaster" from your hand or deck to your side of the field.


Torture Toy Puzzlemaster


If this card was Special Summoned by the effect of "Toy Puzzle Piece 3" Special Summon up to three "Toy Tokens" to your side of the field (Dark/Machine/1000/0). Face up "Toy" monsters you control except this card cannot be selected as a attack target. Once per turn you can tribute one "Toy" monster you control to destroy one card on the field.


Torture Toy Boxed Demon


If this card is destroyed as a result of battle and is sent to the graveyard, Special Summon two Toy Tokens (Dark/Machine/1000/0) to your side of the field. They cannot declare a attack and are destroyed at the End Phase.


More to come as I get inspired.

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