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duel acedemy fate of the world (only 21 may join)


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So far I have a Cyber Harpie on the field in ATK mode and a card face down and you lost 100 LP which brings you to 3900. My move and I play graceful charity. Then I activate the trap "Icarus Attack" which destroys up to two cards on your side of the field. I destroy your Mi Mi Fatty and summon Harpie Lady 1 and equip it with Rose whip. Harpie Lady 1 increases the ATK of all winged-beasts by 300 points. So I attack you LP directly with Cyber Harpie and Harpie Lady 1 and I win.

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I now activate Polymerization, mixing my valsorgopth with my Des Ulzhev in my hnd to summon, Des Revenge-Havran!Atk/ 2000 DEF/ 2000.

So now I play the spell, "You Kill, I die" With It, I pay 1000 LP to summon a monster from my grave, and It's my cybo! now I end my turn,\. Also, I have to go to bed. We can duel tommorow.:(

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