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[align=center]Title Says All




[spoiler=Order Form:]

1. *Name

2. *Base Digimon

3. *Other Digimon (4 MAX)

4. Other




3 Points


[spoiler=Other Shop Info:]

1. I can deny any request if I need to, but I will attempt all orders

2. Certain Digimon, I might not have sprites for to splice

3. Pay AFTER I make your Splice

[spoiler=Waiting List:]

1. GundamFreedom

2. jackmen10

3. Majortim



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This'll be your hardest one yet....


1. *Name Dogmamon

2. * Omnimon

3. * GallantMon, Minervamon, Craniamon, and War Greymon.

4. 1 arm from each digimon.


1. Maoumon

2. Diaboromon

3. MaloMyotismon, Daemon Super Ultimate, and Metal Garurumon.

4. Keep some of Malo's body, Daemon's wings, and Metal Garuru's wings and such. Other then that go nuts. Oh yeah, try to make it scary and disturbing.


PM once done, I already paid.

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