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New OTK with Sasuke samurai #3? will it work?


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Well I was thinking what if you had sasuke samurai #3 and attacked your opponent and caused him battle damage while having enervating mist.


since sasuke samurai #3 makes him draw 7 he has to keep drawing and discarding and eventually his deck runs out and your the winner of the duel.


one question... does it work like that?:shock:

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Hand Size Limit only takes effect during the End Phase.

Meaning if he has 7 cards in his hand' date=' he discards 2 during the Endphase, due to Enervating Mist.


This =/= OTK



you only discard during your end phase so it'll just help your opponent more


Not exactly, you can use Greed to cause him damage, but this combo can't work.

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