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Vindication (Basic) (Now Started)

Spirit of DMG

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"Lerr, do you know how long I waited for you back in Kuronsu?" *Looks at Dan with narrowed eyes* "anyway, nows not the time to argue about it." *Forms a fist, as if holding a sword, touching the ground. a black hilt appears, and as Kuragari pulls up, a blade appears, with a blade length of 7 feet. holds the sword at a 45 degree angle in front of her, tip of the blade facing up and to the left*

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"Alright, we'll begin your training now. Conjure your weapon." Yamada said as he conjured up his huge blade.

"O...okay..." Rina conjured up her staff.

"Now... try to hit me with whatever you've got." Yamada said while holding up his blade in a defensive stance.

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Ooc: Where is Koronsu? I do believe the name of the village is Kuronsu. also, no God-modding. I thought that went without saying....

Ic: *Kuragari silently makes her way to the center of town, where Hikari's home was, trying to hear anything about the war.* "Well, if anything, Lerr may be serving as a distraction for me."

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