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Vindication (Basic) (Now Started)

Spirit of DMG

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"You are clueless, aren't you?" She says with a smile on her face. "Akarika and Kuronsu are at war, your village is aligned with the enemy." *points right foot toward chase, left foot at a 90 degree angle to it, pointing out. squats down maintaining footing, extends right arm, palm facing chase. points sword at chase, holding the hilt above my head.* "And now, you must die."

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IC:"you see this air around my blade well imagine it as a shock absorber and now youre just where i want you." Swings blade sideways creating a very wide powerful windblade that soars in the dark fighters direction cutting down many trees

OoC: notice how i didn't say your name its cuz its too hard to remember

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Ooc: yeah, I had a little trouble remembering it at first as well

Ic: *Kuragari reacts to chase swinging his sword and slashes the air in front of her, reducing the damage but is still sent flying back* "I see you are much stronger at long range. This will be a problem, boy." *Kuragari pulls out a steel knife, and throws it at chase, distracting him while running off toward Akarika.*

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