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Vindication (Basic) (Now Started)

Spirit of DMG

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OoC: Finaly

Daniel Woke up he decided he would go train in the training arena "6 Dumbys, 3 ninjas, and 1 Magician. Anake activate! Sword Storm!" *Several Swords appeared around Daniel* Daniel moved hes hand to face the magician and then made a fist all of a sudden all of the swords started to move towards the Magician.


[spoiler=Moves used]

Sword Storm: *Several Swords appeared around user*

took out: 1 Magician



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Name: Lerr

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (But if you need... its 450 years old)

Village: Kuronsu

Weapon: (If its possible: 2 Dark matter Shotguns, if not: a Special Knife

Bio: Raised in the Kuronsu since he was born, Lerr found out he could be in good use if a war happens, being the Torturer, and, some times, the strategist of the village earn Lerr some of the local respect, and some fear of the major population.




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Ooc: Special Knife it is

Ic: *Kuragari woke up and started walking to her desk.* "Always something, isn't it?" she asked herself, picking up a small stack of papers, "I really should hire someone to do this kind of stuff for me." *She looked out the window to see what appeared to be a scarecrow, and opened the window.* "What is it this time, Lerr?" She yelled in a gentle tone

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Guest Tainted Black

"How did you read my thoughts?" Black asked without turning. The fact a man had appeared was not as astonishing as the fact that his mind had been read. "Who are you, and WHY are you in my house?"

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Guest Tainted Black

"This isn't an electric chair but this" He threw a knife at Lerr "IS deadly. Unserstand?" He asked with Sarcasm in his voice "My memories are intact. You cannot mentally torture me. That is my life story."

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*gives a small smile* "I am following you, Lerr, to make sure you don't kill anyone on your side. again. However, there is one other reason." *pause* "I want you to go to Akarika and get some intel on them. you may take one companion with you, so long as they are in one piece and still breathing when they get back"

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