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OOC: Hand is also very important. You're at 3 I believe. Also, I'm at 5600, not 6600.


IC: "Interesting. I activate the Cheerful Coffin from my hand and discard 2 cards to the Graveyard. Then I place 1 card from my hand on the top of my deck, to activate my Plaguespreader Zombie's effect. I can Special Summon him, but then I will sacrifice him to summon Fireworks Dragon [2500/400] from my hand. My zombie is removed from play, but my Fireworks Dragon is stronger than your Golem, so he is destroyed by my dragon's Spark Blast attack," the dragon, seemingly made of sparks, released a jet of flame from it's mouth, destroying the golem in its path. "And, you take an extra 500 points of damage due to my dragon's effect. 1 face-down, go."



Me - 0

You - 3



Me - 5600

You - 7400



Me - 1 FD, Fireworks Dragon in ATKM


[spoiler=Custom Cards Used]

Fireworks Dragon / Rare

Level 6 / FIRE / Dragon / Effect

2500 / 400

When this card destroys your opponent’s monster as a result of battle, your opponent takes 500 points of damage to their LP. Field Spell cards cannot be activated or destroyed while this card is face-up on the field. When this card is destroyed, you can pay 1000 LP to Special Summon a level 4 or lower monster from your hand.


Tell me if it's OP'd, I'll change it.



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"Draw. I summon Nightwatcher Bird [1000/500] in defense mode," the little black bird hopped onto the marble floor and made a face, "With it's effect, I can look at your face-down. what have we here?"


OOC: Just say what card your face-down is and then I'll continue. Oh, and sorry I use mostly Custom Cards. Confusing sometimes. XD

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"Then it's destroyed! Then I end, and SoRL is destroyed."


Me - 1

You - 3



Me - 5600

You - 7400



Me - 1 FDS/T, 1 FDM, Fireworks Dragon in ATKM, Nightwatcher Bird in DEFM

You - 1 FDM


[spoiler=Custom Cards Used]

Nightwatcher Bird / Common

Level 3 / WIND / Winged Beast / Effect

1000 / 500

Once per turn, you can look at a face-down Magic or Trap card. If it is a Trap card, it is destroyed. If it is a Magic card, it is returned to its original position.



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IC: "First, I'll flip my face-down into attack position to reveal Myotis Lucifugus Knight [1100/400]. His flip effect allows me to place 2 Sonar Counters on every monster you control. Then I'll sacrifice both my Nightwatcher Bird and my Myotis Lucifugus Knight to summon Desmodus Rotundus Knight [2700/1100] in attack mode. With his effect, I can pay 1000 LP to destroy one monster with Sonar Counters on it, so say good-bye to Malicious. One face-down, then your move."



Me - 0

You - 0



Me - 3600

You - 7400



Me - 1 FDS/T, DRK in ATKM

You - 1 FDM with 2 SC on it


[spoiler=Custom Cards Used]

Myotis Lucifugus Knight / Rare

Level 3 / DARK / Beast Warrior / Effect

1100 / 400

FLIP: Place 2 Sonar Counters on all monsters your opponent controls.


Desmodus Rotundus Knight / Ultra Rare

Level 7 / DARK / Beast Warrior / Effect

2700 / 1100

You can pay 1000 LP to destroy an opponent’s monster with Sonar Counters on it. When this card is destroyed, decrease your opponent’s LP by an amount equal to the number of Sonar Counters on their side of the field x300.





OOC: G'night.

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OOC: I have 6800 LP left Also I hope its fine if I use an OCG card thats comming out in ABPF



"I draw... I flip my face down, Morphing Jar and I discard this 1 card and draw 5 others." He discarded a Sillva activating its effect and Special Summoning to to the field in ATK "Heh, This deck is pretty much Dark... I summon Dark Resonator and tune him and Silvia in order to summon, One-Hundred Eye Dragon!" The huge Dark Dragon peered with it's hundred eyes "Attack his Knight!"



Any Counters



Me: 6900

You: 4600




You FDS/T, Knight




Me: 4

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Manevolince was awed by the move the Ziagou had made. One Hundred Eyes Dragon was not to be toyed with. His move was most likely a winning one. Manevolince feared for the old man Edward's life the Ziagou where a clan of murders.

His search for the white rider had led him across much of Europe. He left after learning the rider had gone to southern Germany for some reason. Since arriving in Europe he had chased her acrossed several countries. She was always just a few days ahead of him. Whatever she was looking for it was in Paris. He had even seen her once. But he was unfamilliar with this city and he lost her just as fast. But she didn't matter anymore. The Ziagou were all that matter. Why were they looking for Atlantis? What was there that was so important they had left Vanguard? "If Edward lives we'll have to ask him some question of our own, won't we?" {Why are you always so depressing?} "What?" {Nevermind} "Wonder if I should call Mystery? Of course I have been gone for a month and a half, they probably think I abandoned the Sounansha." {I would} They both fell silent somthing was happening.


OOC:Manevolince fired a listening bug at Deceit just before they went in. Guess he was so nervous about blowing his chances of finding Atlantis he didn't notice. ;p *wink wink*

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OOC: My bad, I was looking at a different card. Idk, XD. Also, sorry I haven't posted in a while.


IC: "The same." The old man seemed not to be phased in the slightest by his current situation. In between turns, he was humming a tune to himself.


Me - 3300

You - 5900



Me - 1 FDM, 2 FDS/T

You - OHED ATK Mode, MJ ATK Mode, 2 FDS/T



Me - 4

You - 2

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OOC: Okay, Namo is grounded so he gave me permission to do this, and I really want to keep this thing alive.


IC: "This is getting boring." Envy drew and then said, "I'll end once again."


Me - 3300

You - 5900



Me - 1 FDM, 2 FDS/T




Me - 4

You - 3


"My turn again. Hmm, I'll play "The Cheerful Coffin" and discard 3 monsters from hand. Then I'll flip my monster into Attack Mode to reveal another Myotis Lucifugus Knight [1100/400]! With his effect, I'll place 2 Sonar Counters on every monster you control."


Me - 3300

You - 5900




You - OHED ATKM with 2 SC, MJ ATKM with 2 SC, 2 FDS/T



Me - 2

You - 3


"But I'm not done. Then I'll Summon "Nano Trooper" [1400/1200] in Attack Mode. I'll use him to Tune MLK to Summon "Abyss Paladin" [2900/2000] and then I'll activate a face-down, "Sonar Detection"! With this spell, I can destroy all monsters with 2 or more Sonar Counters on them by paying LP equal to half of the strongest monster destroyed. Say goodbye!"


Me - 1800

You - 5900




You - 2 FDS/T



Me - 2

You - 3


"I activate "Battle Tuned" from my hand, and use it on Abyss Paladin with "Emissary of Pandemonium" that I discarded with the Cheerful Coffin. So now Abyss Paladin's ATK is 5500! Although I have to discard my last card from my hand, I'll attack with Abyss Paladin to devastate your LP. To finish, Abyss Paladin's effect allows me to deal 300 points of damage to each player for every card in their hand. Good-bye!"


Me - 1800

You - 0




You - 2 FDS/T



Me - 0

You - 3


[spoiler=Custom Cards Used]

[spoiler=Myotis Lucifugus Knight]

Myotis Lucifugus Knight

Level 3 / DARK / Beast Warrior / Effect

1100 / 400

FLIP: Place 2 Sonar Counters on all monsters your opponent controls.



[spoiler=Nano Trooper]




[spoiler=Abyss Paladin]




[spoiler=Sonar Detection]

Sonar Detection / Rare

Normal Spell

Destroy all monsters with 2 or more Sonar Counters on it. Decrease your LP by an amount equal to half of the ATK of the monster with the highest ATK that was destroyed by this card’s effect.





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