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FTA club RP - Battle of the Ultima [basic] [PG-13] [now accepting]


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*syst### m shuoting down major flaw in elect##ricty pul###sation, and flo#w of lif#e fo#rce sys-------------error---------error---------*thoughts- have to re###ver magihc energy to systems*----------reboot###ing ene####my far to power####ful for this F####orm Tr##nnnsfo###rming to second form *gets up* *grins but doesnt make a move yet*


Second form apearance: dmg3.png

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Ooc: sorry Chase, been catching up with the orders in my MCC.


*Chuckles.* "You think you stand a chance here? please."

[spoiler=Draws this on the ground]


*The symbols all start glowing, and Blue fire emerges from the middle of the circle, the column of fire grows in diameter until it covers the circle. Calls forth Hellfire to go with the blue fire.* "Lets see what happens when I do this:" *Gathers the blue fire around my left arm, Hellfire around my right. Pushes both arms toward Chase, and each flame spirals toward him, closing in, forming a pattern similar to a candy cane, in a shape like a drill*

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OoC:ur image isnt visible DMG

IC: a white tornado forms around chase and a scythe slashes out dispelling the fire and then the insane laughter begins "guess who hahahahahahahahaha." Insanity swings his scythe again to disrupt the tornado revealing chases "Insanity" form "maddness huh well thats no shocker seems he's ben spreading well hello madness long time."

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IC:*thoughts- it seems in this form i can use my magic and abilities to a farther extent and now that my body is powered parcially by magic..........those powers should be much farther advanced as well* *eyes and gauges turn yellow* *thoughts - lets see how fast i can go now* *dark swirls of magic apear around arm* *teleports behind dues and puches through his chest but no wound appeared, then instantly teleported back(i did it so fast it was unnoticable)* *thoughts - now that part of my life force is inside of him it shouldent be long now(its undetectable t though*



OOC: if u were reading my mind or something in the roleplay you cant inthis form , also you can completely destroy my body now if u want lol

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"Hm, you think you can win with that fancy scythe?"

*Forms a bow from Hellfire, and an arrow with the blue fire* "Lets see you stop this" *Fires the arrow (Did you see what Uryuu after removing the gauntlet against Kurotsuchi? this is kinda like that. if you haven't: imagine one arrow blowing through 7 steel crates, then 500 feet of concrete.)*

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"dangit" gefhx says as he balances on one leg until the get in his waist balances him gefhx then uses a psychic pulse so powerful it injures his system but it also stunned duestedo for a split second, enough time for my life force inside duestedo to multiply and infect.

*system voice - systems damaged, regenerating minor damages*

*i pick up my leg and touch it to my waist and my system does the rest of the work reattaching it

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"Fool, I'm pure Madness Matter, I don't really have a body..."

*Deustodo get ups*

"Έχω τη δύναμη να σας κάνει να υποφέρουν, αλλά εγώ θα το σώσει, μετατρέποντάς την σε ένα πραγματικό αγόρι!"

*Deustodo somehow turns Gefhx into a "Human" form, taking out any trace of mechanic things in his body*

"You can thanks me, later..."

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