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FTA club RP - Battle of the Ultima [basic] [PG-13] [now accepting]


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"Get that stuff away from me! I don;t want anything to do with madness anymore." Field Sprite said while wiping away the pie."


"That's a waste of a pie..." Dark link said, reaching over to lick Field Sprite's pie-covered face.


"What the- what are you doing?" Field Sprite asked while blushing.


"I'm licking some of the pie, what does it look like I'm doing?"

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"Hey, Link, Field Sprite's lips are full of pie, you should like them. Shi, Shi. OH Hell! I love be me, Now, lets come back to Loucura..."

*Ships leaves Zombies Lands*

*While reading the book, Deustodod notice some different kinds of spells*

"Field Sprite, you might wanna know this, there is a spell that can make a specific part of a body bigger. Oh, you know what I meant!"

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"Ah, so they are..." Dark Link licks Field Sprite's lips. She severely blushes, then backs away.


"You..." pointing to Dark link. "and you..." pointing to Deustodo "are both perverts! Now... um... let me see that spell...I'm just... curious..."

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"Don't you dare. I will burn -" Field Sprite begins to say, but is interrupted by Dark link as he licks her neck.


"Hmm... pie... oh, that reminds me, I've never drank Field Sprite's blood."

Dark Link proceeds to drink Field Sprite's blood.


"Drinkin Forest Sprite's blood heals me somewhat, but I wonder what - " Dark Link suddenly catches on fire. A second later, the fire stops.


"What just... happened? I just got lit on fire? I'm not dead...?" Dark Link raises his hand and a small fireball pops out.



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*Holds the spear straight up* "Well, isn't that interesting. You managed to hold off my attack. Lets see if you have the same success with this one." *Gathers Crimson energy in the spear, as I do this, the spear turns the same dark shade of crimson, and grows larger. I throw the spear at Chase. It splits into in numeral blades, all sharp enough to cut through stone, and surrounds Chase, all attacking him at once*

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Chase with amazing speed parries each attack and while doing so points his palm at DMG "well then i guess i'm finally entertained took long enough to get my own body back why would i let this end so soon." a blast of hellfre shoots at DMG strong enoughto form a crater and chase waves his sword temporarily blasting the spears away giving him enough time to escape the barrage of attacks he lands on the ground pnting "damn him strained my body too much can barely fight."

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*Deustodo watch Chase and DMG fight far away*

"Gir... give me the sniper rifle..."

Gir:"Yes, sir..." *Give Sniper Rifle* "Are you going to kill Chase?"

"Nah, I learned a Spell powerfull enough to make Chase pass out... I just put the whole magic in a bullet, I just need to shot and done..."

Ps: Neither of you noticed my presence...

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"Anake!!!." Chases tsurugi trnsformed into the sword chase always used "i think we should change locations." a dark void apears under DMG and Chase "don't worry this is a place only vampires can go to its just so they won't intervene anymore."

OoC: i hate it when someone interferes in my fights don't you ppl

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IC:*system voice - critical damage to head shut down.....rebooting searching for attacker, attacker located* *gets up* "ugh not another person!" *Thougths-hmmm i wonder if i can still use my magic in this mechanical body......* *raises hand and sends out a giant wave of what looks like red and black lightning towards Dues


OOC:the blast i shoot is not electricty its magic it also trashes technology, guns anything mechanical oh ya and its goin as fast as lightning to A.K.A the speed of light"

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"Darn be that robot..."

*Deustodo start to release a Giant Madness Cloud, all over the City of Loucura*

"Now... Let see how mad can you get!"

*Madness Clould get down to the floor*

Gir: "How will that work?"

"The Madness Cloud will make anything inside of it Mad, attacking anything or anyone, and when there is only 1 stand, he or she will probably kill him/herself... Even Though you don't need to breath the air, the fact you are inside of it, start to get madness inside of you... Oh well..."

*Grab Popcorn and sat on a chair*

"Let the Game Begins! Shi,Shi"

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*panting* "damn cant frikin fight like this i ned a bost." chase draws a circle around where he is sanding and draw many symbols in it "healing pillar." chase places his palm on the circle and a pillar of green light shoots up from it healing all the strain Insanity put on his body and the light fades "ahh much better ."

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IC:Analyzes the cloud "huh nice try but that wont work ( i lost some emotions when i became a machine so i cant become madder than programmed)" *eyes and all the gauges turn blue* a jetpack and jet boots come out of armor *system voice - increasing speed velocity and status to roughly 100mps(miles per second) also engaging battle mode(armor looks like it got into a more battle suited form.*jetpacks quickly to 10ft away from dues and switches cannon to what he can see as atom smasher and shoots the ground next to him and then says "have fun" and quickly engages defense mode and creates a powerful forcefield.




OOC:basicly the atom smasher mode basicly explodes every atom it hit (basicly the force of 1000 atom bombs lol)

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