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Persona: Resonant [ADVANCED] [PG-16] [ACCEPTING]

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[spoiler=st[color=#FF0000]o[/color]ryline]Welcome to Kamihara-cho. A center of technological innovation, offset by the fact that the city is rather out of the way.


The reason for this, however, is rather important. Kamihara contains a government test site for new advancements in radiation, so when they were looking for a place to set the project up, it was too perfect. However, there was one thing they overlooked, but it wasn't something they would've known about.


A bizarre pseudo-supernatural radiation has been located around the general area of Kamihara. Known as "gray noise" amongst the villagers, it is undetectable by normal technological means, and has the odd habit of "leaching" onto people and sapping their positivity, creating monsters known Shadows, who attach to others and continue the process. Although this might seem major, it isn't as widespread as one might think it is. However, the gray noise has been spreading. Suicides in Kamihara have been skyrocketing over the past month, and whispers about the noise are circulating among the elders. "It's resurged..."




You've received a text message over the last few days. Says it's advertising some new free program called "MAGATAMA," and it's supposed to protect you against the gray noise. Not thinking much about it, but still a bit superstitious, you downloaded it on a whim. Nothing happened. Oh, well.


A few days later, you see some odd creature out of the corner of your eye. You thought you were just seeing things. That is, until it jumped down in front of your face. Shocked and disturbed, you whipped out your phone and tried to call the police. However, your clumsy fingers pressed the button for MAGATAMA, and before your eyes in a clustering of wave shapes, a humanoid figure appears and drives the beast off. It's a Persona, and your life's about to get much stranger.



[spoiler=rules and [color=#FF0000]o[/color]ther stuffs]

1) This is an Advanced RP. All rules that are applicable will apply.

2) Yes, I'm a mod, so I'll be able to enforce these rules more... strictly. Be warned, I'm not gonna tolerate OOCs or bad RPing, in here especially.

3) I require 1 decent paragraph per post.

4) I'm taking the route established in Persona 4, so all Personae must have a Japanese origin, to make everything more uniform. PM me if you are in need of an idea or two.

5) Password's "mania."


[spoiler=application f[color=#FF0000]o[/color]rm]Remove everything in {curly brackets.}


Name: {Japanese in origin. If you need help, PM me. I'll accept a foreigner if you can wow me.}
Year: {1, 2, or 3.}
Gender: {Male or female.}
Personality: {At least 1 paragraph. Add flaws, make them unique.}
Appearance: {Once again, at least 1 paragraph. Mainly physical attributes and any unique features.}
Weapon: {This is for your human character.}
Persona: {Read rules for what I'm looking for here.}
Persona Appearance: {They look rather unique and somewhat artificial. Google "persona wiki" and search around if you need ideas.}
Persona Abilities: {Leave this blank.}
Persona Arcana: {One of the Major Arcana, except Fool and World.}
Persona Backstory: {One to two sentences about the real-life inspiration of your Persona, just so I know you know what the heck you're talking about.}
Password: {You should know it.}


[spoiler=[color=#FF0000]o[/color]ur characters]

[spoiler=Chant - ??? {INCOMPLETE}]

[spoiler=Christian Exodia - ??? {INCOMPLETE}]

[spoiler=Déjà Cru - Kakeru Tsuji]Name: Kakeru Tsuji (辻翔流, Tsuji Kakeru)

Year: 2

Gender: Male

Personality: A member of the kendo team, Kakeru has a determined attitude, and hates to give up on something he doesn't complete. This can make him bullheaded, because he doesn't like backing down on a goal. However, his good nature makes him a leader type, and he enjoys taking initiative in difficult situations. However, he's easily startled, and can lose his cool if he gets stuck in a bad place.

Appearance: Kakeru's of moderate height, being about 5'5", and has an athletic build. He has a slight tan, and has an unruly shock of medium-length black hair that spikes out in the back. He usually sports a playful grin, and his dark blue eyes reflect this. The only real "alteration" Kakeru has made to the school uniform is a wristband made out of random scraps of stitched-together bright fabric; the significance of it is left in the dark.

Weapon: A shinai.

Persona: Miroku (ミロク)

Persona Appearance: A dark-blue male humanoid with a large hole in its upper chest and identical holes along its limbs, exposing brassy clockwork covered by glass. A set of spiked bronze chains hang from its wrists and ankles, and it wears a large bronze hat with multiple smaller chains hanging from the rims.

Persona Abilities:

Persona Arcana: Wheel of Fortune (X)

Persona Backstory: The Japanese transliteration for Maitreya, the fifth and future coming of Buddha. When he arrives on Earth, he is supposed to bring the world to enlightenment.


[spoiler=KWLegend - ??? {INCOMPLETE}]


[spoiler=jonny250 - ??? {INCOMPLETE}]


[spoiler=Muluck - ??? {INCOMPLETE}]


[spoiler=Otaku-sama - Sayuri Akimoto]Name: Sayuri Akimoto (秋本小百合, Sayuri Akimoto

Year: 2

Gender: Female

Personality: Sayuri is very cheerful and loud person. Her boldness often gets her into trouble with authority because she usually cannot keep her mouth shut. She is also quite childish at time, enjoying annoying her peers when bored. She also will shout loudly during PE to motivate herself, often to the irritation of her peers. She is not very smart either, but her intuition and instinct often get her through the trials of life. From these instincts she has a strong sense of justice.

Appearance: Short, around 5' 4". An athletic frame and light skin. She has large brown eyes that shine with inner confidence. She has medium length hair that reaches her shoulders that splits into spiked strands. She wears the school uniform with pink accents dyed in most of the time and is often seen wearing a sliver bracelet on her right arm.

Weapon: Round shield and spear.

Persona: Bishamon (ビシャモン)

Persona Appearance: He takes a humanoid appearance of a man in a great suit of armour. He wears armour similar to the armour worn by the samurai, except it looks as if it is made completely out of silver. His face is covered in a mask that gives him an intimidating expression. His breastplate show an epic battle between himself and an army of demons. He carries a gilded halberd on his back in addition with his katana and his bow and arrows.

Persona Abilities:

Persona Arcana: Fortitude (XI)

Persona Backstory: Bishamon is one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune in Japanese mythology and is also the god of war. He is known to destroy demons and the unjust and reward the law abiding.


[spoiler=XxXYamiRulezXxX - Ryozo Oonishi]Name: Ryozo Oonishi (大西亮三, Oonishi Ryozo)

Year: 1

Gender: Male

Personality: Ryozo is a calm and quite young man. He always dreamed of what his purpose in life is and what he would leave to the world. He doesn’t like arrogant people and can’t stand show offs. He is very humble about his abilities and never tries to put anyone down (Intentionally).He can be a smart mouth at times but knows when to control his attitude. He also has a habit of telling someone off if they do anything to disrespect him and can get very impulsive with his words when angered.

Appearance: Ryozo is about 5 ft 7 inches. He has light brown hair that stops at his jaw line. He has hazel eyes that shine in the moonlight. He has a scar just below his right eye from a fight when he was 12. He has abs but appears skinny at times. He has one earring in his left ear in the shape of a moon. He wears a black jean jacket with silver jeans and black chucks.

Weapon: Staff

Persona: Kuraokami (クラオカミ)

Persona Appearance: Kuraokami has the appearance of a white dragon spirit with black wings and tribal markings on his body when in normal status. He also has the tail that represents a bladed spear and red eyes.

Persona Abilities:

Persona Arcana: Moon (XVIII)

Persona Backstory: Kuraokami is an ancient Japanese dragon-god of rain and snow.



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((I haven't posted yet cus your suppose to be doing me that "favor" after denying the thing I've worked hard on.... yeah but after you guys are done making your characters we will start and yes I did have a part in makin the rp.))

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Reserved Please. I need to put some thought into this App.


Later That day:


Name: Ryozo Oonishi (Oonishi, Ryozo)

Year: 1

Gender: Male

Personality: Ryozo is a calm and quite young man. He always dreamed of what his purpose in life is and what he would leave to the world. He doesn’t like arrogant people and can’t stand show offs. He is very humble about his abilities and never tries to put anyone down (Intentionally). He would risk his life any day to save another. He can be a smart mouth at times but knows when to control his attitude.

Appearance: Ryozo is about 5 ft 10 inches. He has silver and red hair that stops at his jaw line. He has blood red eyes but violet pupils. He has a scar just below his right eye from a fight when he was 12. He has abs but appears skinny at times. He has one earring in his left ear in the shape of a moon on a chain. He wears a black jean jacket with silver jeans and black chucks.

Weapon: 2 Katana Blades

Persona: Tenshi (天使)

Persona Appearance: [spoiler=Tenshi] bd9f5e06f13d25e7.jpg Tenshi has a light pink face instead of white.


Persona Abilities: {Leave this blank.}

Persona Arcana: Moon

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OOC: I'll do the parts I know I can do

Alex Ryder

Name: Ale'x Ryder{Pronounced Ale-x, with ' over the e}

Year: 1

Gender: Male

Personality: A Carefree nature, he is laid-back & partly lazy, except in situations where his inner energy is released, where he is psycho & demonic. His lips are curled into a emotionless expression most of the time, & is normally seen with wine.

Appearance: His face has well-rounded features, though his skin at the jaw is very thin. He has jet-black hair that is cut short, except at the front. His hair is curled there. He also has sapphire eyes that are somehow natural.

Weapon: A .22 Caliber Pistol



I don't know about the Persona.

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Name: Ryozo Oonishi (大西亮三 Oonishi, Ryozo)

Year: 1

Gender: Male

Personality: Ryozo is a calm and quite young man. He always dreamed of what his purpose in life is and what he would leave to the world. He doesn’t like arrogant people and can’t stand show offs. He is very humble about his abilities and never tries to put anyone down (Intentionally).He can be a smart mouth at times but knows when to control his attitude. He also has a habit of telling someone off if they do anything to disrespect him and can get very impulsive with his words when angered.

Appearance: Ryozo is about 5 ft 7 inches. He has light brown hair that stops at his jaw line. He has hazel eyes that shine in the moonlight. He has a scar just below his right eye from a fight when he was 12.

Weapon: Staff

Persona: Kuraokami (闇龗)

Persona Appearance: Kuraokami has the appearance of a white dragon spirit with black wings and tribal markings on his body when in normal status. He also has the tail that represents a bladed spear and red eyes. Kuraokami has an aura that is always surrounding him.

Persona Abilities:

Persona Arcana: Moon

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Name: Isao Masaaki (功真明)

Year: 1

Gender: Male

Personality: Isao is not a social person, but the aura makes people feel safe when they talk to him. For several years he has been the most sought after person for help, be it with course studies or personal problems. Isao is the type of person who believes that every problem has a solution, and every solution has a meaning. He is very mild tempered, and his attention, once focused will never break, even more so under great pressure. Isao believes that truth is a key that when turned correctly can provide an answer to a problem that can only be solved at it's greatest need. Thus Isao spends most of his time thinking, thought being a great aspect for an Archer.

Appearance: Isao is a very small and feeble looking being. A height of 4'9" with long Brown hair that never seems to stay still. He has light blue eyes with remarkably pale skin with not even the faintest sign of facial or body hair. Isao's face, his entire stature makes him appear as an incredibly young boy, 11 years maybe 8 years old.

Weapon: Yumi

Persona: Minoru ()

Persona Appearance: A man of incredibly height, looking to be as old as time itself. His hair is white and stretches for what seems like a mile. His face is wrinkly and whiter than white. Upon his feeble body lays no clothing, no wrinkles just a mass of immaculate art. Despite being naked the body's extremities cannot be seen because the man has appeared to have been neutered.

Persona Abilities:

Persona Arcana: Judgement (XX)

Persona Backstory: The offering to what it is known by many names, Jehovah, The Shepherd, The King of Kings, The Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Alpha and Omega, Jesus and God. His body rationed for an offering his extremities that proclaim him man, disbarred from his body to make him the holiest of holy's. He is the son Abraham, the ultimate offering.

Password: mania

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Name: Kazuma Sakai (カズマサカイ; Sakai Kazuma)

Year: 2

Gender: Male

Personality: Believes in honor, valor, nobility and loyalty. He is somewhat friendly but can be aggressive and dogmatic. He is often viewed as arrogant and seen as a delinquent but is respectful to people his views as important, such as teachers. He is an unofficial member of the kendo club but learned the art in his sister’s dojo. He is known for being extremely impulsive and believes it is his duty to protect the weak. He is also a dreamer with a lower attention span, zoning out of napping in his classes. Despite his delinquent like attitude, he does fairly well in his classes but tends to have a wild imagination and knowledge of a lot of trivial things.

Appearance: About 6ft tall, walks with a swagger and always has his Bokken hanging over his shoulder and a novel in hand. Has heterochromic eyes, one green and the other hazel. Has brown hair. Hair cut short and spiky on the top and sides but caught up into a 14” ponytail at the back.

Has four bands, green, blue, yellow and white sewn to the outer thigh of his pants and the symbols for ‘valor’ and ‘nobility’ on his left sleeve and the symbols for ‘honor’ and ‘loyalty’ on the right.

Weapon: a Bokken

Persona: Kiyosora (キヨソラ)

Persona Appearance: Wears a blue spandex like outfit with white lines running along the front of his legs from shoes to the belt, which is silver. He has white abs and a round green belt buckle. Has a metal guard over the lower portion of his face and silver sclera with green pupils. Two swords are on his back. Both hands are covered in metallic armour up to the shoulders.

Persona Abilities:

Persona Arcana: IV Emperor

Persona Backstory: Based on the Japanese god of storms, Susanoo-no-Mikoto. His swords are a representation of the sword of valor and Susanoo-no-Mikoto's personal sword.

Password: Mania

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Name: Gensei Ukiyo

Year: 2

Gender: Male

Personality: By far a nice person, with one heck of a friendly attitude. However, he tries to find a fight mainly because he's hot headed and wants to finish the job quickly, just like all the other assignments. Once a year, however, he finds himself go psychotic, mainly because of a disease. He also finds himself alone when his friends are away, and he doesn't go the distance to find new ones. Also, with fair weather friends, he will go traitorous to them.

Appearance: He wears a traditional gakuran with a green armband in right arm. With black pants reaching down to his feet, he also has a hidden patch to hide his cellphone, for him is a convenience. Instead of modern shoes, he wears wooden sandals with socks. He also wears a torn-up cap with an insignia on the front. Under the uniform, he has a silver dagger that shines by the moon hidden in a pocket similar to where his phone is.

Weapon: A dagger.

Persona: Onryo (怨霊)

Persona Appearance: A pale white swordsman covered in a cloak as white as his skin with his sword stuck to his back with a straw hat. However, with a closer observation, it shows that he has no body and only one hand and his visible face. He stays beside him at Gensei's right arm by his armband.

Persona Abilities:

Persona Arcana: The Hanged Man (XI)

Persona Backstory: Based on a ghost willing to go back to earth willing for revenge. His appearance is similar to a spirit on a last line to hold on to life for vengeance.

Password: mania

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I love the persona series! I've been waiting for someone to make an rp of this! Thanks, I'm in.


Name: Makuro Aimi

Year: 2

Gender: Male

Personality: Makuro has somewhat of a reserved personality. He prides himself on not caring what others think of him or his friends. Makuro dosn't anger easily usually, but when he dose get angry, he's a bomb. He hates being called what he isn't and is weak for something like that, he's also afraid to have his heart broken again and is haunted by his past in such matters. Aimi knows the strength of inner beauty more than most and dose not judge people by their apperances usually.

Appearance: Makuro is tall, nearly seven feet tall. His hair is medium length, bleached white and kept in apony tail with his bangs in the front. His eyes are dark pink becuase he was born with out pigmentation there, his eye brows are black, he has three scars below his right eye from where a cat scratched him deeply as a child. His wrists are very skinny and he is often made fun of for it, but his hands are big and his fingers are long. He tends not to cut his finger nails, not from lazynes, but because they grow back in two days time. He normally wears any long sleeved shirt he can find along with black, gray, or white jeans. He has a pair of white italian boots that he is very protective of, he got them for his sixteenth birthday and they're the only shoes he's worn.

Weapon: a sythe

Persona: Lu bu

Persona Appearance: a massive warrior on top of an even larger red hared horse with a black mane and tail of fire. His horse is wearing a golden mask of a smliling man with horns with it's mussle poking out form under it. The warrior on top of it is in heavy golden armor rimmed with red with intricate designs on it. His hsoulders are guarded by masks like the one on his horse only the eyes are black fire. His helmet wraps around hte majority of his handsom face, creating the effect of a monstrous face. On top of his helmet is three feathers forma pheonix tail, slinking and falling behind his back. He is carrying a Halbred of extraordinary looks in one hand and a quadrupal headed spear in his other hand.

Persona Abilities:

Persona Arcana: Death

Persona Backstory: I found out about lubu first by playing Dynasty warriars, then i looked more into it and found I really like Lu Bu. As for the reason I chose him, Makuro's main weakness is having his heart broken again; Lu bu was either one betrayed by his dearly beloved, or she was murdered right befor his eyes. QED, broken heart.

Password: mania

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