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Perfect Pic Contest ... Final Round is Comencing


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i guess its my turn


behold !!!!




effect:This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 3 Reptile-Type monsters in your Graveyard. If this card is destroyed by battle, or by your opponent's card effect while it is a Monster Card, during the End Phase of this turn. Pay 2000 Life Points,Special Summon 2 "Snake Hunter Tokens" (Reptile-Type/WATER/Level 6/ATK ?/DEF ?) in Defense Position. These tokens cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon, unless it is for a Reptile-Type monster.The ATK and DEF of the "Snake Hunter Tokens" are equal to the number of Reptile-Type monsters in the Graveyard x 300.

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Here it is, srry for being late and stuff...


[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 1 "Eternal Snake" from your Graveyard. When this card is succesfully Summoned, you can add 2 card with "Uneternal" in it's name from your Deck to your hand. Then shuffle the Deck. Increase the ATK of this card by 200 for each card with "Etenal" in it's name removed from play. In addition, destroy every card on the field, except this one, if this cards ATK is higher then 3000. When this is the only card on the field, Special Summon 2 cards from your hand with "Eternal" in it's name. If you cannot, this card is destroyed.


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please add lore and then judjing will start!


I don't when he'll be on next, so here's the lore:

(NOTE: If there are many mistakes, that's because the effect had mistakes in it. If you think I posted the wrong effect for my advantage, read the effect yourself by zooming.)


This card is not affected by LIGHT Monsters. If your opponent has 3 or more monsters with 1800 ATK or more, you can Special Summon an additional monster each turn. If any of those cards are LIGHT Effect Monsters, this card gains 250 ATK and DEF. Each time this card is targeted by a Spell, Trap, or Monster Effect, discard 2 cards. If you discard and additional 3 cards, negate the card's effect. When this is card is destroyed, pay 400 Life Points.

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Results are in!!!!!!!!!!!!


[spoiler= .:Abyss Wanderer:.]

common,yet good effect. Name is pretty good.atk and def fit.....

great card!


total points:36


[spoiler= DHPlasma]

Name is......bla. Spelling errors. balansed a bit....with the 3500 atk limit..... but still...... effect is sortof good....


total points: 29


[spoiler= Zelda Hero 1]


this is what I was looking for!!! every thing is perfect exept the sort of low def... but you made up for it

with the venom monster.....!!!!!!!


total points: 40


[spoiler= yugioh432]

Many OCG errors..hard to read...but still, nice try!


total points: 31


[spoiler= Meng77798]

Effect is used a lot......,name is not creative...., atk is o.k so is def.....................but......


total points: 30


[spoiler= Misiry]

awesome card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the only thing wrong is it a bit underpowered with all the atk decreaceing bit still, great!!


total points:40


[spoiler= darkhavoc]

good job! The effect is a bit hard to read,and the name is almost there bit great try!


total points:37


[spoiler= insonic]

Great card!!!holo makes it look nice...effect is good...so......


total points: 40


[spoiler= SlashByte]

effect is a bit unclear....like said some errors..

name....no. Type...o.k. Well..........


total points:31




Meng77798 and DHPlasma are ELIMINATED!

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