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Quote and Riddles Game! Reps and points given! [RIDDLES ADDED!]


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Guest Tainted Black

As it says, you will have to finish a quote. It can be from ANYTHING. A book, a movie, a show, whatever. Winners will receive 20 points and 2 reps. I will put each Quote here, so check once a day! Also, there will be one hint a day for each unsolved or new quote. The quote can be solved after it's day.


Now riddles are a bit different. They are NOT every day, but one a week, and they are worth differing amounts, posted with each. No hints either.


Answers to solved ones are in bold.


Blanks are words, and NO the amount of spaces, in each blank, is NOT always equal to the the number of letters in that word. Each blank is 4 spaces long.


[spoiler=Quote Hints]

[spoiler=Quote 1 Hints] By LK.


[spoiler=Quote 2 Hints] From a book by my favorite Author. Called Showdown.


[spoiler=Quote 3 Hints] Obi Wan


[spoiler=Quote 4 Hints] Dracula


[spoiler=Quote 5 Hints] Skillet


[spoiler=Quote 6 Hints] R.L. Stine


[spoiler=Quote 7 Hints] He's a Thief known as ____ the Thief. In 3 games, and isn't human


[spoiler=Quote 8 Hints] Fallout


[spoiler=Quote 9 Hints] Bad Manners


[spoiler=Quote 10 Hints] Suicide






[spoiler=1st (Solved)]Just for that I will strangle you with your own bosoms.


[spoiler= 2nd (Solved)] Wanna trip, baby?


[spoiler=3rd (Solved)] May the force be with you


[spoiler=4th (Solved)] What is a man? But a miserable pile of Secrets!


[spoiler=5th (Solved)] I don't wanna wake! I don't wanna breathe, unless I feel you next to me.


[spoiler= 6th (Solved)] From the light of Earth, to the Dark Descend, should they return, that all depends.


[spoiler= 7th (Solved)] Though the parting hurts, the rest the rest is in your hands!


[spoiler= 8th] War. War never changes.


[spoiler= 9th] Is it wrong to _________, to disappear in her?



[spoiler= 10th] To give her the priceless peace of _________, we tumble out into the streets.





[spoiler=100 Point, 3 Rep Riddle(solved)] What falls, but never breaks, and what breaks, but never falls?

Night and Day


[spoiler=50 point, 2 Rep riddle (solved)]My first is in adventure but isn't in trip,

My second is in river but isn't in ship,

My third is in chalice but isn't in cup,

My fourth is in ascending but isn't in up,

My fifth is in error but isn't in flaw,

My last is in talon but isn't in claw

A Dragon


[spoiler=50 point, 2 Rep Riddle 2(Solved)]What has a mouth, but never talks? What always runs, yet never walks?

A river.




[spoiler=Rep list]

1. Artemis Fowl - 2 reps

2. Welche - 2 reps

3. Andx - 2 reps

4.WhiteNight - 2 reps


[spoiler=Hall of Fame]


Artemis Fowl




If you spam, or argue, or anything I do not approve of on here, I will ban you from my game.

[spoiler=Ban List]






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Guest Tainted Black

... DING DING DING!!!! That's right!.... How did you know that?


Anyways I owe you two reps. You will get your first in 2 days. -__- XD I'm behind due to 5 starting posts.

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