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This can't be right, why do I feel like something bad's about to happen? I spaced out for a few seconds, hearing voices of demons calling my name, saying that not everybody is as...new to this as we are. As soon as I came back, I spaced out again, this time it sounded like a much older gentleman, with a raspy voice. The sound was saying that we're the new generation, and that he would help us, if we could find his group. From what he said, for us to find the group, we should look for some kind of abondoned hospital, with a family inside of it, him and 2 other generations of us. The last things I heard were that the marks should be easy enough to see, and that it was due east of here, then the voices faded out.

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"*Well when I get the ok that everybody wants to go*, then we'll leave after everybody gets ready. Get to your homes and pack what you need, we're never returning, now that we're outcasts."


ooc: *We'll just pretend that everybody that's in the group said ok, unless everybody actually gets on in time to do so. Who exactly is she? And don't post OOC only.

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"Heh, good one. We can't afford to travel with too much, I'll be right back." I left the group and went into my home, which was only about 20 feet away, and grabbed my spear and mask. I put my mask on, my face now completely expressionless. I walked out of the house, with only my clothes, spear, and mask, ready to set foot looking for this place that I may have just imagined from the stress.

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Dan ran back home, only two minutes away. He grabbed a backpack and a jeans and two shirts and underwear from what Wendy laid out. He put the sword in a slot on the back and the gloves and the tome. Wendy gave him some money, his phone charger and a flashlight. "Have fun," she said.


Dan hurried back with his things. "Ready."

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ooc: If you're talking to me, then no. This is actually the only way I can do it where it sounds right. That's why I only allow 1 character most of the time.


IC: The demons spoke again, saying to keep my distance from Nero, Jazeth, and Tom. The continued talking, saying that they would turn against us in a matter of days, that our instincts should've already picked that up. "Nero...stay away, or else."

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I waited there, thinking of anything left in there that was of importance to me...then decided that I should bring some food. So I left the group again, stabbing the spear into the dirt, and grabbing the cake, the only food in my house at this time, and ran back out. "I'll bring some food with us, though, sadly, this cake is all I can offer, so we better save it for when we'll need it the most." I grabbed my spear and just remembered something that we would really need, "does anybody have a compus?"

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