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Username: Codey

RP Name: Eisaka Torimino

Character Appearance(Pic or description): Eisaku___So_Lonely__by_Lasaro.jpg

Position of Birthmark: Back of his right hand.

1st Ability: Can shoot Water and Ice Out of his right hand.

Weopons(If any, nothing major): He create an Ice sword or Ice knives.

Rogue or Part of the Group?: Group.

Bio(Optional): Eisaka's father killed his mother when he was only 3 years of age. Him and his sister was sent to an orphanage. When they were 12, a rich family adopted them and they all went on a trip to hawaii. The plane crashed on the way, and his 'parents' were killed in the crash. Eisaka was trapped on a remote island with his new-found friends. After surviving the Wilderness, his sister got sick and passed away.. He found out his powers while he was stuck on the island.

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OoC: Post people, post!


Dan woke with a start. He had the strangest dream. He stumbled to the bathroom. As he reached for the light switch, a small jolt of electricity leapt from his finger to the switch. He stumbled back in shock. He reached for the switch again, but the spark didn't happen. He turned on the light, and realized that a strange heart shaped mark was one his hand. Just like the dream! What in the world was going on?

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ooc:I was at a family thing, but I'm here now...oh, and just call me JZ


That night, after eating gratuitous amounts of cake he was back in his own apartment alone again, looking out the windows he knew that at least in birthday's there were people like him, other than that, he knew he couldn't just, "hang out" with them, he was a person living in danger, his head wanted by 5 mafia bosses, but he knew, he could at least have someone to celebrate a birthday with, as his eyes nodded off into slumber he heard a horrible cackle."so, you actually think you found people you could relate too? hah!" It's a human shaped demon, but it's features are unseen."boy, you gave up on friendship before you were born!" a contract written and signed in blood appears"You see, as long as this exists, you'll never be with others.""shut up!" Jazeth reached for the contract, but it just vanished and appeared in the demons hands."very naughty....but on to bigger things, you signe the contract and have gone ahead and fulfilled our contract up until today, that little pity party you had with the cake disgusted me though, but still, here is your prize!" he appears behind Jazeth and plunges his fingers in his spine."now then, I bestow you these wings, and give you no other purpose but to live your life, you start at level 2." Jazeth is confused"why level two? what happened to level 1?" the demon laughed."how the hell should I know? I don't make the rules, but you are a level 2 now." he pulls the wings out and in his mind he hears something like a twirling saw blade."now then, as you have lived your life your power reflects the same, death, and destruction, the power I bestow upon you is annihilation, no matter what, whatever comes in contact with your wings will cease to exist. from the birthmark, but I am benevolent..." he says as he shoves Jazeth's head into the ground."I will give you a seal, and with it, it will appear as if you don't have the mark, so you can hang out with your...."friends" but you cannot join them and you must finish the final part of our own contract, so...go ahead...and have fun..." he says with a demonic laugh that endures in Jazeth's mind for the rest of the night.

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OoC: I have found a new ability i´d like to have.

Anyone familiar with "Elfenlied"? The main Character has some Ghost-Arms, and with them she is able to tear people into pieces (Damned, that were bloody scenes O_O) or lift Objects and throw them around.

I know this is really overpowered, so i need only 2 Arms at the beginning, with a range of 3 meters. Im not able to shred people with them.

I thougth, when im leveling up, you may give me more spirit-arms or increase their range, or increase their power. Would this fit?


IC: Selene wakes up crying. "Oh my god..." she whispers. "What a horrible dream!" She looks outside of her house, but its still dark. And even if she could swear she wont fall into sleep again, she closes her eyes, reflecting about her dream...

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OoC: That is a cool power. It can have the same limit as the telekinesis but it will grow into a different power than a psychic. Here's hoping Twin approves ^^


IC: Dan searched the shelves in his father’s study urgently. He didn't really worry about the noise because Wendy was as good as dead when she slept. He tossed books aside until he found the book he was looking for. The Tome of the Eight Thunder Fiends. He quickly leafed through the pages. He stopped when he saw a picture that looked interesting. Such as a drawing that looked similar to the mark on his hand. Dan closed the book and headed to his room. His father's obsession with the paranormal was suddenly worth more than extra reading. Much more. It may be the answer.

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When Nero went to bed at exactly 10:30 p.m. he had dream a world made by him with all his friends and others whose birthday were on the same day. But all of a sudden, that dream went pitch black as demons arose from the grounds. One demon grabbed Nero's arm and traced a wind symbol on his left birthmark and stabbed it with it's fingernail. Nero's arm dripped with blood as they had a paper with his name as the signiture.


--This is the symbol they drew on his arm [spoiler=Wind]wind-kanji-symbol.png?w=297&h=300



"What do you want from me?" The demon then looked at Nero. We want nothing more then the contract you had since you were young. You thought you had your so called "friends" but you were lonely ever since you were young. We just did not say anything to interfere. The birthday gift your dad gave you, that wind ornament it's right inside your arm. As long as you do not tell nobody about this your wind element will be yours. Tell anyone and your wind will be gone forever. Have a nice dream. Nero then ran outside, he was in the real world with a wind symbol on his birthmark.

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Selene turns around in her bed, but she cannot sleep. She looks at her clock and stands up...

"Well... Maybe i shall take a shower..."

She takes her clothes off and washes herselve. After rubbing herselve dry with an towel she looks at the mirror... And gets completely shocked when she saw the birthmark at her back... She falls down on the ground and crouches back to the wall. "What the ..." she whispers and touches her back. She fell the birthmark. "Just like in the dream... But this cant... This have to..." Selene says with tears in her eyes...


OoC: Normally i would explain how she use her power for the first time (completely out of control of course ^^), but with this 7 line limit...?

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Selene stood up again and watches her mirrow image "What the hell...? This has to be a TRICK!" Suddenly the mirrow explodes into thousands of shreds, Selene jumpes back, now totaly shocked, look at the shower, and see how it gets destroyed too. Selene crys out loud, when also the washbasin gets crushed. Selene sits down to the ground, curls into a ball and crys. "What is happening... with me?" She breaths. Than she opens her eyes again and saw something like a vibration in the air above her... She looks at it particulary and suddenly they turn out into something like... second arms... She tries to move them, and it works! She tries to grab a tube of toothpaste, and again it works! Selene cleans away the mess she had made and lies down into bed again...


OoC: I never thought i would ever curse the 7 line limit XD

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Dan flipped throught the book, reading by the lamp light. The eight spirits/fiends/demons of thunder, known by many names throughout history, are some of the spirits known to dominate the power of the storm... Dan read on. He eventually skipped ahead to the section with the mark. The birthmark of the unloved and the unlucky. Many are cursed with an unfortunate life and often feel unloved. This is the indication that they are destined and cursed from birth to weild the power of one of the spirits in the world. Some, if not all of the 8 fiends group's can be utalized by humans his way... Dan stared at the mark. He was cursed?

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after the pain subsided he was left on the ground shivering."crap...." it begins to rain making his situation that much worse."double crap." then a gang trying to get away from the rain spot him on the ground, and instantly recognize him."look what we have here....It's Jazeth...the manslayer...but I think he's finally worn out...who else wants their revenge on him?" Jazeth sighs."Okay, this just f***ing sucks..." they proceed to beat the crap out of him...

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OoC: Shall we help you?


IC: Selene lies in her bad, still trying out her new arms. She allready knows, that they have a range about 2-3 meters and are quite powerfull. But she really cant think about why she haves them...

Suddenly the guys from yesterday appear in her mind. "Maybe.... but, what if?" Selene stood up quickly, dresses her up and runs out of her house...

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OOC:Yes please...


the thugs were enjoying this, they finally had their chance to beat the most dangerous gang member in the state, and he couldn't even move."once I manage to get up....I'm goig t murder you all..." he says as they bring out a few switchblades."by the time you can get up...we'll have killed you."

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ooc:then it looks like I'm doing this solo....


as he's kicked face up one of the gang members plunges his blade down, but before it can reach something grabs him."I told you...you aren't beating me...." he stands up and the two wings explode from his back hitting and instantly killing three men behind him."holy s**t...he really is a demon!" with a flap of his wing he forces them back and stares at the others."now then...you have all chosen...Annihilation....I'm sorry." their screams were heard only for an instant before the entire field was left silent, and not a trace of them was left.

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It was later in the morning that a thought occured to Daisuke. "Holy crap, Zeke's still in the closet." Daisuke had almost forgotten about him. If his roommate found Zeke, there would be some uneasy explaining that would follow. He went to the closet and opened it up, seeing Zeke still sleeping. Daisuke prodded him awake. "C'mon Zeke, it's morning."

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Dan continued flipping through the pages and came across a picture of a wooden sword and a pair of gloves. The demon edge Moriraiu(Forest thunderstorm). A bokken made from the branch of an oak tree that was struck by the lightning form all eight fiends. The branch was wrapped in Demonsteel wire and made into a sword that cuts at the will of the weilder and is as strong steel. The Raiden Hira Akuma(Thunder-fiend palm) is a pair of gloves that are wove from demonsteel wire asd cotton from a tree that suffered a fate simular to the oak tree. They have been lost many times during the centuries but it is said they always find their way into the hands of someone cursed with the Eight fiends power. Both are also said to change appearence with each owner. Dan stopped reading. What was going on?

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"You did too?" Daisuke tried to sound surprised, though it was hard to manage, already knowing exactly what Zeke had dreamt. It's a good thing that Zeke was still half asleep. "I had some wierd dream too. Something about demons or something. It might have been the cake. Anways, do you want to go shower or something? I've got extra clothes for you, too, if you need them."

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Tom walked out of his house to test out his power, and to see if some one was playing a trick on him.He looked in to a closed store window and he saw a clay statue as he said to him self,"lets see if this works!",he looked at the spot above were the statue was and opened up a thin portal. He opened up another portal behind a street corner and went in to it. everything was light blue and white again he walked over to the other portal and reached his hand threw and grabbed the statue,"Boy if i had any value for it this would be easy."

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