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ooc: Alright, go to sleep and have your nightmarish dreams of the demons with your contract signed in blood that tell you about your abilities. In real like it would be 5, one after another, but here it'll just be one. This is one of the only times I encourage you to post more than 7 lines, if you can.

@Horologia: When we go to sleep tonight, we go into a deep sleep, and the demons show us the contract that we signed with our blood, tell us of our birthmarks and powers, then we never see them again.


IC: I yawned and streched, my arms out in front of me. I lied down, my pajamas feeling smooth across my body. Falling quickly into a sleep, I could tell that I was actually exhausted. When my sight finally ceased, and my imagination took control, I could see the demons; 5 demons before me. Each a different color, the color of the rainbow. The red one walked up to me from the middle, unrolling a strange doccument. Somehow I heard it, even though it didn't speak. It said that I had signed the contract, and sure enough, my name, written in blood, was on the paper. The demon went back to the others, and I stood there, speachless. Then the yellow one came over to me, holding a piece of ice in one hand, and a lit match in the other. It said how the ice was the yin, and also my main element, and how the fire from the match was the yang; and how the water puts out the fire, while the fire evaporates the water, controling each other. He then retreated, and another came up to me, a blue demon this time. It told me that I have a birthmark on my left palm, so I looked, and sure enough, I had a heart shaped birthmark in my palm, with 2 swirling lines in it. The demon told me that I was a level 2, the 1st level. He moved back into his spot, and a yellow demon approached me. She said that my 1st ability would be firing shards of ice, no bigger than golf balls, out of my palm. After if reached it's place, everything went dark, and I slept the rest of the night, picturing nothing.

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Zeke lay there, in the closet. His stomach aching from overeating. Zeke could not remember the last time he had eatin a large portion. After hours of laying there in pain he fell asleap. He whent into a state of dreaming.He awoke in a moutin resembling Mount Olympis He saw 4 Demons standing on front of him with evil grins ion there faces. They were each elements. The electric one came up to me and revealed a scroll with my name wrightnin in blood. "What the-?" The demon cut me off explaining that I sighned the contract. She went back and the ice one came to me holding a lightbulb in one hand. "Only with electrisity, like your element, can life evolve." He instructed me to touch the lightbulb. It flashed on. The demon when back and then the fire demon came up explaining he was a lvl 2 and my abilaties. It was to much for me to take in but I just stood there. The Wind one walked up tour off my shirt sleave reveaeling m,y birthmark. They then disapeared and I slept silently.

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OoC: More than 7 lines? Oh, you're in for it now...


After finally convincing his roommate to stay out of the closet, Daisuke fell asleep.


Daisuke opened his eyes to a dark abyss, where no light shone. Where am I? Daisuke looked around, and felt something bump against his leg. He looked down to find his sword sheathed in an ornate sheath. What is this? I never got a sheath... Which now that I think about it, is very dangerous.


You have come. The words came in a low, raspy voice. The voice was not fit for the demon that appeared in front of Daisuke. It's aura exuded evil and uncertainty. It stood 10 feet tall, grotesque veins pumping unknown fluids from it's brain to the rest of it's body, a large build of pulsing flesh. On his body sat 5 heads, each with dark, lidless eye sockets, each more diverse and horrid than each other, yet all had the same dark essence. We have been waiting for you. As it spoke, no mouths moved. It's as if the words were within the confines of Daisuke's mind. You are the one who has been deemed worthy to recieve our power. We are Ragaror, the demon of everlasting thought. Dark and uncertain times are upon us. Use this power wisely, but first... Ragaror rose his hand, forming a small parchement out of the shadows. You must sign this.


Got a pen? Daisuke thought jokingly.


Still your tounge of your joking tone. This contract must be signed with your own blood. You have your own tool to do so.


Daisuke looked down at his sword.

Every fiber of his being was telling him not to.

Telling him to just wake up.

Telling him to stop.


He didn't listen. Daisuke unsheathed his sword, held the blade in one hand, and swiped it across his hand. As he did, a quill appeared in the air before him. He grabbed it and dabbed it in his bloody hand. Signing his name on the contract, he felt a strange power surge through him. The contract disappeared in a cloud of darkness, the dark cloud disappating into the demon's empty eye sockets.


It is complete. You will know your powers soon enough. Ragaror reached down with a marred, clawed hand, and touched Daisuke above his left eye with a gnarled finger. The sign is now yours. Make sure none see it.


Daisuke woke up, his body covered in a cold sweat. He ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He lifted up his hair, and saw it. The mark, it's simple heart shape covered in swirls, rested where Ragaror had touched him. This can't be happening. It was just a dream... Daisuke stumbled back to his bed and lied down. Suddenly, he felt a presence tugging at his mind. He listened as he was drawn into the sleeping mind of Zeke's subconciousness, dreaming of the unkown.


He saw 5 Demons standing on front of him with evil grins ion there faces. They were each different colors. The yellow one came up to me and revealed a scroll with my name wrightnin in blood. "What the-?" The demon cut me off explaining that I sighned the contract. She went back and the blue one came to me holding a lightbulb in one hand. "Only with electrisity, like your element, can life evolve." He instructed me to touch the lightbulb. It flashed on. The demon when back and then the red demon came up explaining he was a lvl 2 and my abilaties. It was to much for me to take in but I just stood there. The Green one walked up and explained balance.


Daisuke came to, the light of dawn sparkling through the blinds of his window. That dream, was that Zeke? It's like I could read into his mind and see his dreams... Is this what the demon meant? Daisuke drew his sword out from under his bed, still resting in the ornate sheath. He pulled it out to see it dyed the dark crimson of dried blood. Suddenly another presence entered Daisuke's mind.


The sheath will serve you well in your future endeavors. Consider it a gift from us. Daisuke got out of bed as the raspy voice of Ragaror quieted from his mind, hopefully for the last time.


OoC: If you think it's hard reading all this, try typing it. Curse my dream of becoming an author.

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Username:ToOo0n Pr!Nc3

RP Name:Azura Zera

Character Appearance(Pic or description):Wolf_Dude_by_AzureDragoon.jpg

Position of Birthmark:Left side of his neck

1st Ability:Transform into a were-wolf at when the moon is out (uncontrolable)

Weopons(If any, nothing major):Nothing in were-wolf mode but when not he uses kunai and daggers

Rogue or Part of the Group?:Rogue

Bio(Optional):His family were killed in a "house fire" but he believes it was the group who killed his parents at first but then he joined them, and then a weeek later they tried to kill him because f his powers rather than trying to help him, now he seeks to kill them all.

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ooc: Again, the group isn't even made yet. We'll just say that you were apart of a different group, not that it really matters. Other than that, accepted. Your character can't turn into a werewolf yet, but could we just say that you already had your birthday and now you're asleep? We need to skip ahead to your dream where the demons discuss your power and stuff with you.

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OoC: Sorry for not posting till now. My stupid net has decided to take a break and is working on and off. I'll post this when its in a working mode. I'll squeeze the day in it so it will be kinda long

@ Shradow; we got the same dream ;). But you write much better than I do.




Dan woke to the beeping of his cell phone's alarm. Groggily, he rolled over and turned it off. He glanced at the calender and sighed. It was his 14th birthday. And how many friends did you have to celebrate it with? A grand total of ... none. He quickly got dressed and headed downstairs. He found that Wendy, his cousin, had already set it and was putting the finishing touches on the breakfast.


"Good morning little cousin. Happy birthday!" she smiled.

"Nothing happy about it," he muttered as he blew out the candle stuck in a muffin. "Cute."

"I thought you'd like it," she pouted. She pushed two packages over to him. "These came from the bank," she said. "It's your birthday present."


"Huh? A present left by Dad?" Dan's mother had died in child birth and his father from a disease when he was five. His father had left a large amount of money in the bank and had prepared and distribution system that gave him living expenses and a little spending cash on the side. He also left Dan enough to pay for education up to university level. Curious, Dan wolfed down his breakfast and unwrapped them.


The first was a bokken, a wooden training katana wrapped with a complex wire mesh. In fact, it looked as if the wood grew over the mesh, as if the bokken shape was carved while it was still growing. The small box had a pair of gloves with a fine wire woven into to the fibers. "Ok, definately strange." THe only note said 'Happy birthday son. you will soon find these useful.'


Dan had a rather uneventful day. He was bullied as ussual but ignored it. He did notice a group of friends he'd never seen before but those things happened among popular extroverts. No, the strange thing happened that night. Right after he closed his eyes.


He heard a strange, sparking sound. It wasn't his ussual alarm, but Wendy sometimes changed it to mess with him. He groped for his phone but couldn't find it. He rolled over and realized, there was no sheet over him and no bed under him! snapping his eyes open, he saw, not the blue-green walls of his room but surging currents of electricity. he did the only sensible thing. He screamed.


Silence, young one. Listen to what we have to say. The vioce came from no where. Dan whirled. He saw a large humaniod shape floating amids the chaotic scene. A familiar demonic form.


"You're one of the eight thunder spirits!" Dan realized. He had read about them in books from his fathers study.


Yes, we are, eight distinct voices said. Their forms faded in and out of sight as they spoke. The largest one faded into view and opened his hand. A scroll of parchement drifted to Dan. It unrolled and a small knife floated out. It was partially filled with strange writtings, the character like nothing he'd ever seen. He saw is name written eight times in eight different hand writtings on it. Sign your name in blood.


"Your kidding."


Do we look like we are joking? The demons appeared in turn, each face having a more horriffing scowl than the first. and the first one had what Dan thought was the greatest scowl in the world.


Grimacing, he pricked his left index finger and scrawled his name on it. The demons nodded in order and burst into sparks. The sparks swirled around the scroll and the writting, his name written in their blood eight different times and his freshly done signature lifted off the scroll and swirled into a ball of lightning. It shot towards him, pouring into the back of his hand with searing pain. He screamed as it forced it's way in. It left a strange heart shaped mark were it entered.


By signing this contract, you have accepted your fate. The demons explained the basics in turn before making one last comment.


Thunder, Lightning, Static, Sparks, Bolts, Electricity. The are signs of progress. Without it, the panet would not turn. Atoms would not hold together, life itself would fail. It represents construction, creativity and stability, but also destruction, degeneration and degradation. It is harmony. And it is also chaos itself. Remember this.

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Drak was watching tv "this is a pretty good movie, the burning contract weird name but its goods" *yawns* "i think its time to get some rest" walk into rooms and fall asleep on be. a few moments he feels an intense heat around him and he wakes up


" what the hell why is everything on fire i know i didn't leave anything on" gets up after seeing a figure in the background "who the hell are you did you do this" he walks up as the to the figure as fire consumes everything around him as he gets closer the figure bigger he looks up "your a pretty big whatever you are, so what is going on here i demand you to tell me" the demon looks down at him

~who are you the boss me around boy~ the flames roared around drak


"you think im afraid of some little fire" he said ( this guy is big) ~ you are are interesting kid im here to tell you about your power~ drak thinks to himself ( power )


~ i have came to you in order to give you a great power ~ "what kind of power are we talking about it better not be a stupid one like being able to stick to walls or something"


~you are starting to annoy me boy look around you what kind of power do u think im giving to you~drak lookes around "fire"


~thats right stupid its fire but just any fire im giving you the power of hell's fire the strongest of all fires~ "wait did you call me stupid who cares,well what are you waiting for give it to me"


~before i do you must sign this contract "yeah what ever just hurry up" the demon cuts drak and his blood fall into the fire "what hell stupid"


~ the contact has be made~


~ so be i will give you the power of hells fire but first you need something to protect you~ the demon raises his hand and a liquid metal covers drak's right arm

"what the hell is this you said you was giving me fire not some stupid metal arm thing you idiot"


~listen here you stupid kid the metal is for your own protection you would never be able to touch the fire with destroying you self so this will help you control it now place your hand in the fire to obtain the power~


drak places his hand in the fire and the metal consumes it all heating up the metal and burning his arm then the fire starts to consume him and drak screams in pain


~ all talk i see i knew i wound not be able to handle it the fine i will limit its power so you can handle it~ the demon raises his can and the fire stops at drak's shoulder "what are you doing i can take it"


~ not now you can't but in time you will learn to control it but in the mean time that much will do~ the fire disappear and draks arm turns back to normal. "what going on here what did you do"


~ i bound your powers in to a cursed heart on your right shoulder it will make sure your powers are not active when they are not needed and as you get stronger the power of the heart will increase allowing you to gain more power of the flames of hell~ "yeah whatever more power is all you had to say ugly now fix my house and get out"


~fine i will leave but first~ he punches drak in the stomach sending him flying back on to this bed knocking him out


" remember this kid if you let it the fires consume you incineration will befall all those close to you , you have to consume them to unleash hell's fury " the demon says while fading into the darkness

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Selene is allready asleep, so...


Why do i know this guys? They are strangers to me, they should be! Selene is walking up and down in her room. But its that strange feeling, like we all have something together, that unites us... Suddenly all of them appear in Selenes room. At first she was verry shocked, than she smiled. "Whats...?" "Sit down!" a verry angry voice in her head. Selene sits down. The guys turn into demons, all of different colors. What the hell...? One of the demons put out a piece of paper and lay it in front of Selene. "Do you know this contract?" "Urm... No?" The demon smiles. "What a pitty... Cause you allready signed it..." Selene looks at the paper. Really, her name was on the paper, written in blood. "bu when...?" "You were the one who called for this but for now, please e quiet. Its verry important that you listen to me carefully..." Another demon stepped behind Selene. "Ill give you the power of Telekinesis... Use it wise..." The demon behind Selene touch her back (exactly the position of her birthmark). Selene feels a power flowing through her body she never feels before. She felt great, but also tired. So she starts to sleep. The demons dissapear...

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Tom was exhausted from spending all night in town. He went straight to bed he only closed his eyes for a second, then when he looked around everything was white and light blue, he was in a daze he said ,“what did I eat at that restraint last night?”


The piano in his house started playing. He went downstairs to check who was playing on it and all he was a white figure with 4 hands it started to talk I a deep dark voice, “The clock swings on you my friend tick tock, a opportunity is on your side of the table my friend.” Tom was confused he thought he was in a dream, “sorry but I am going back to bed.” He turned around and the 4 handed figure was there but he piano was still playing. He turned around and saw 2 hands on the piano.


The figure said to him, ”do you want to do that. Nothing you can see will ever be out of your reach”

Tom was specious of him,“ what is in it for you.”


“someday you will see, but first you can only make your entire body move. Shake on it and we have a deal.” A rose his hand out to Tom. He shock it accepting the deal. The figure pulled its hand slowly away from Tom and 2 daggers appeared it said, “my gift to you! good bye.” it disappeared and Tom was on his own bed up stairs.


”was that a dream, what is in my hand”, he was holding the daggers .

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