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Dan was bleeding from several scratches, courtesy of Nero's attack. He noticed that Selene was facing off with Jazeth and slowly approached them, unnoticed. He wouldn't interrupt since they weren't fighting but if Selene looked like she needed help, Jazeth would be dealing with a lot more that a little numbness.

Why don't you just attack him now? The mark asked silently. 'Shut up mark,' Dan said mentally.

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"She's... one of us? No i wonder i knew her from somewhere." Nero said as he used his wind push to push Selene backward. "Why do i always get the most enemies? Jazeth we need to departure now! I don't know is she's going with us but we need to go. We're already outnumbered 2 or 3 to 3 or 4." Nero as he created a wind barrier around him and Jazeth.

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Dan moved quickly catching Selene before she hit the ground. He held out his hand and increased the power. Bolts of electricity lanced out wildly, charring the ground were it struck. The headed in the general direction of the rogues and several glanced of Nero's barrier.


Your aim sucks, Dan's mark said. 'Butt out,' Dan sighed mentally, working on his aim.

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"You know what? I'm getting tired of this! Let's end this once and for all!" Nero said as he held out his left arm in the sky. Don't over due the power Nero, better be glad i healed your hand. "Quiet, but thanks anyway." Nero said mentally as all the wind started to form into a ball and started to suck things in with a large amount of powerful wind and destroying it if it touches.

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"I hate rogues," Dan said.

'hey, mark' he said mentally. 'Your acting all high and mighty. Why don't you aim?'

With pleasure,. Dan's arm moved on it's own as his mark glowed. His fist clenched and lightning surged around it. Soon, his entire lower arm glowed. A large bolt of electicity shot to the ball of air. The ball satrted to destabalize as the lightning heated it and formed ozone. The winds slowed and the mark chuckled smugly.

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He looks at Selene, it would be best to leave now."Nero...sorry for not paying attention....we can retreat for now." he sheathes his swords and uses his wing to slash into a building making a hole large enough for him to fit in."If any of you follow I swear I will cut the support beams and this building will fall on all of you." he signals for Nero to enter.

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As he waits for any response from the group he thinks about their ranks, one that can fire Ice at rapid speeds, one that can shoot charged bolts of lightning, a mind reader, and the woman with Telekinetic abilities, on his side he had a wind controller, and elsewhere a portal user and a shapshifter, meanwhile his own power, if only his power had a longer reach.

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ooc: I'm extremely enlighted to see how popular my RP has gotten, it's a lot better than any of my earlier ones, but I just can't keep up with it. Would somebody please make a re-make? I will not be posting here any more, so any questions will have to be PMed.


@Whoever makes re-make: LuffyLaxer won't be back 'til Sunday.

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