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OoC: Woah... and the founder let you go with this power? (But its a really nice one ^^)


IC: "I´ve never seen something like that... But after the former days nothing can suprise me any more... You allready know my power?" Niju closes her eyes. After a few while, you can see both of her spirit arms for a while. When she opens her eyes again, the arms got invisible again. "They are really strong, and nobody counts on them... Maybe we shall go back to the others?"

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ooc:I joined when they really needed Rouges, if anything mine is the most evil power.


He let the wings go back in and the seal returned."I still can't let the others know...if anything...I'm afraid of my power...it's not like the others...they can all create...I can only destroy..." he looks at her."please don't tell, we can both keep each others power a secret."

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I was still standing outside, the entire time, ignoring all coments and everything that anybody had said past the wolf turning human.


"........What just happened?"


"I'm not sure. But if I were to guess, I'd say that the people I came here with are trusting the rogues."


"This cannot be allowed. Why would the cursed demons side with you guys?"


"I don't know, but I'm gonna have to do something about it, aren't I?"


"Yes, yes you are..."


"Hmmm, yes, but what exactly?" I looked at the old building, "I may have an idea, but it's gonna be risky."




"You'll see." I slid my mask back on, focused on my mark, my arm, the temperature. Eventually it got colder, and I had a shard of ice, no bigger than a foot, laying in the palm of my hand. I ran up to the building, the ice in one hand and my spear in the other, slashing and stabbing it, until it eventually collapsed on itself.


"Ah, I see. At this point you don't care who dies, do you?"


"No, not after my so called friends side with people of pure evil." I looked at the building that lay in ruins, "come out and face me cowards!"

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OoC: Tiberius was a rouge? Woops, maybe I should've read the first page.


Daisuke walked up behind Julia. "Cowards? I guess you could say that, though it wouldn't be very accurate. Don't think I'm trusting that flea bag Tiberius. Right now, I trust very few of you." He's trying to kill us, how nice. Good thing I can read minds.

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I turned my head and looked behind me, "Daisuke? Why aren't you trusting Tiberius like everyone else?"


"Hmmm, maybe this one is pure of heart, but there's only a slim chance. But no time for that Faith, look ahead."


I looked back at the building, seeing Jazeth in front of me, "what is it that you want?"


ooc: The earlier battle was a chance to get a level up, that's one of the reasons I did it, and this one is too. Everybody that participates in the fights, each fight, will get a level up at the end of it.

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"I don't know what it is about you....maybe our demon contractors didn't like each other, maybe you and I are just at odds in life....or maybe I really am Evil...but when I see you I just feel...I need to end your life....please don't blame me." he says with a wicked sneer."The cake was delicious though." he brings out his swords and the seal on his back burns off.

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"That other.....it seems like a voice....I'm not sure....but it is very wrong.....I do have quite some killing experience Julia....it's not as if we knew each other back when I was a member of a gang....of course that's not important." he walks slowly towards her, and once he's three feet away from her he raises his sword."I don't fear a battle, I will have plenty of fun against you." and slices down with great force.

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"Hm, so it indeed is coming to a battle." Daisuke reajusted his glasses, momentarily revealing the mark above his left eye. If they come at me, they won't be able to lay a finger on me. I'll read their every move before they make it.


OoC: So, we level up just by participating? We don't have to actually attack do we? I can't do much with mind reading.

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