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OoC: I'm not a Wolf anymore.


"Please go away *coughs more blood* from here," Tiberius says. "You our trespassing on my territory. I will *coughs blood* not fight you, not today anyway. I only attacked because you trespassed. If you promise to leave now, I won't kill or harm you. I only wished to be left alone."

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"So true." Tiberius says with a far away look. " I must apologize then for attacking you. You do not seem the type to attack unannounced. Damn he got me good. My name is Tiberius By the way. Welcome to my home. Follow me." Starts Walking towards the busted down door. "And who are you people anyway?

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"I don't think he's too bad. If I did, I wouldn't have patched him up," Dan laughed. He was more concerned about Jazeth. When he brushed against normal people on his way here, the felt a bit different from the ones with marks. He thought that Jazeth felt like a marked person but he wasn't sure.

Follow your feelings boy, the mark said silently. 'Go away,' Dan thought back. The voice in his head thing was getting annoying.

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Tiberius leads them to the door near the back of the hospital. upon opening it, We see a small broken Hospital bed, a trash can, a door, a small stove, a cooler and some steel chairs. "come in and have a seat all of you. I have some deer left from last nights hunt and some water in the cooler if anyone wants any.

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