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OoC:dont really know where u guys are so im just gunnah jump in


Azura was walking around when he spotted a couple of boys, (probably around his age) standing talking to eachother (i think tahts wahts going on) "hey whats up?" he asked one of them.

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ooc: Instead of waiting for everybody to say yes, that they want to come with us, we just improvised and said that everybody came with us when they didn't post it. In other words, you're with us at an abandoned hospital with 3 other generations of people like us and Azura(Toon Prince) at us, he's a rogue so I'm giving him a chance to leave or fight us. Please don't do ooc only posts.


IC: "I told you once, but in case you didn't hear me I repeat, leave or die."

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Tiberius wakes up in the abandoned Hospital. Upon waking up he hears people inside the building. Thinking he was trapped, he turned into his wolf form and walked out of the room he was sleeping in. Tiberius stalks quietly to avoid being heard. Then, watches from the rafters as the boy and spirit tells another rogue to leave.

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ooc: The spirit is my split personality.


IC: I stepped back in shock, "where'd that thing come from?"


"It's a wild animal, though it's not attacking us yet, it did interfere with our fight."


"Right, that wolf's gotta go." I ran towards the wolf, stabbing at its lungs.


"That's right, go at it with the will to kill it. And just look, at all of that blood! Blood from a wolf and a rogue, there's only so much more I could ask for."

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OoC: Try to kill off my character in my first two scenes? lol


Tiberius in his wolf form gasp in pain as something sharp stabs him in the lungs. 'I must change back or i can't help myself.' Tiberius thought. So with that, Tiberius transformed into his human self.


"Hey *coughs blood* what are you doing in my home? Trepassers!!" Tiberius exclaims while clutching his wound. He pulls out his Katana from it's sheath and holds it bushido like in front of him.

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--School has me obsolete from the computer that's why i'm not posting much and i'm a rogue so that's why i'm attacking Zak and them


IC: Nero's wind symbol then glowed as he pulled out his left arm blowing the other people far back with his wind. Nero looked at the suit his uncle gave him. He sighs in disbelief, "Why am i attacking my own friends?" Nero then thought of his dream. The demons then told him that... You are a rogue. You plan out to hurt others or save them when one is needed the most. Nero thinks to himself... Who do i help the most?

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--I'm just that nice guy who respects girls...:)


Ic: "My power is wind, so i can evade attacks by just standing here. But hurting a beautiful like you is just wrong in so many ways." And for that Nero squated and did a roundhouse kick and unleashed a tornado around Selene. "I like you so i'm not going to hurt you." Nero then grabbed the wolf.

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"Don't forget I'm here!" Dan yelled. He hit Nero away from the wolf with an flying Kick. He grabbed the Moriraiu with his left hand and electricity suddenly danced along it's length using the wire as a medium. Yes! Use the power! the voice from his mark said. He ran to the barrier restraining Selene and split it with an upward slash.

"I really want to know what going on here," Dan growled.

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