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Star Child

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[spoiler=Intro] Random people, when born, have a birthmark, impossible to see under any means, until their 14th birthday. On that persons 14th birthday, a mark will appear on their body, in any spot. The mark will be followed by 5 deep dreams, one after another. The dreams consist of demon-like creatures that explain the mark, and show a contract containing your signature written in blood. Each person has unique abilities, depending on where their mark is located. It is up to them to decide what they want to do with their life: either join a group of people just like them, or go out on their own and become a rogue. To most people the birthmark is a symbol of an unloved spirit.



[spoiler=The Spirits & Birthmark] The spirits are murderous and restless, and numerous weopons and your disposal means that you can have some serious fun! It's like having a split personality...to die for!


mv2tea.jpg The color remains the same, but the amount of swirls is your level. This is an example of a level 2 curse. The more experience the user has, giving them more abilities, power, and control over their powers. Everybody starts at level 2.



[spoiler=Rules] 1) No spamming.

2) No flaming.

3) This may seem bad to some people, but no posting more than 7 lines, most people don't like straining their eyes to read what's on the computer for long periods.

4) Keep swearing down to PG-13.

5) All other rules apply.



[spoiler=Form] Username:

RP Name:

Character Appearance(Pic or description):

Position of Birthmark:

1st Ability:

Weopons(If any, nothing major):

Rogue or Part of the Group?:




[spoiler=My Form] Username: Twin Seed

RP Name: Julia "Faith" Smith

Character Appearance(Pic or description): http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww33/fit8/mask2.jpg?t=1257551020

Position of Birthmark: Left palm

1st Ability: Ice shards(fired from left palm)

Weopons(If any, nothing major): Spear(In pic)

Rogue or Part of the Group?: Group(leader)

Bio(Optional): N/A



[spoiler=Accepted List] Twin Seed - Julia "Faith" Smith - Left Palm - Group(leader) - Level 2 - 1 Ability(firing ice shards from left palm).

KWLegend - Zeke Tranis - Lower Jaw - Group(co-leader) - Level 2 - 1 Ability(sonic scream, as in sound waves).

TitanKing - Drak Cetio - Right Arm - Group(2nd in command; if co-leader is absent) - Level 2 - 1 Ability(coats armor(that's on his right arm) in fire).

Shradow - Daisuke Atamagaii - Above Left Eye - Group - Level 2 - 1 Ability(mind reading).

Dark Necro - Nero Tseng - Left Arm - Rogue - Level 2 - 1 Ability(winds of up to 25 MPH out of left arm).

zaneko - Dan Tracer - Back or Left Hand - Group - Level 2 - 1 Ability(can realease lightning from left hand).

Lord JZ of the Enigma - Jazeth Zavara - Upper Vertebrae - Rogue - Level 2 - 1 Ability(dark energy wings that act as razors, but cannot fly yet).

Horologia - Nyu - Middle of Back - Group - Level 2 - 1 Ability(telekineses, can go as heavy as 20 lbs).

4tutoralcom - Tom David - Bottom Left of Neck - Rogue - Level 2 - 1 Ability(teleportation portals, can stay open for 5 min OR until he enters, whichever comes first).

ToOo0n Pr!Nc3 - Azura Zera - Left of Neck - Rogue - Level 2 - 1 Ability(turns into a werewolf when the moon is out).

LuffyLaxer - Tiberius Shikage - Upper Abs - Rogue - Level 2 - 1 Ability(can turn into a wolf).



I will PM you when you have leveled up, allowing you to choose another ability.

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Username: KWLegend (soon to be Heroic Soul)

RP Name: Zeke Tranis

[spoiler=Character Appearance]53776.jpg


Position of Birthmark: Right Arm

1st Ability: Able to engulf his right arm in lightning

Weopons(If any, nothing major):Combat Knife

Bio(Optional): His parents died when he was young...

Group: Group (Coleader)

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RP Name: drak cetio

Character Appearance:http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs37/f/2008/269/3/d/wangye_by_heise.jpghas shirt on

Position of Birthmark: right shoulder

1st Ability: cotes right arm and part of shoulder in armor then burst into flames

Weopons: sword

Rogue or Part of the Group?: group (2ed in command)


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Does your character have a last name? If so' date=' please post it. Yes, you can be 2nd in command. Pick 1: armor or fire; you have to take your abilities 1 step at a time.


@KW: I added something to the form after you posted your app, could you please add it to your app?



i changed it the armor protects his arm the fire is the real power

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Shradow (soon to be The Black Knight)

RP Name:

Daisuke Atamagaii

Character Appearance:


Position of Birthmark:

Above his left eye (Seen Gaara? Just like his mark.)

1st Ability:



30 3/8” stainless steel blade

Rogue or Part of the Group?:



Might add later

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I didn't know it literally meant love, but I always thought it something along those lines because I always saw drawings of him with a heart instead of his normal mark. And yeah, the mark will be hid behind his hair, so it's okay.


And I mean speak with your mind, mind reading, that kind of telepathy. Later, when I get knew abilities, I shall add Telekinesis, which is moving things with your mind.

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Username: Dark Necro

RP Name: Nero Tseng

Character Appearance(Pic or description):[spoiler=Nero]06_144503_xum18888.jpg


Position of Birthmark: Left Arm

1st Ability: can engulf tornados and wind from his left arm

Weopons(If any, nothing major): sword of the crescent moon

Rogue or Part of the Group?: Rogue

Bio(Optional): He was raised by his uncle and auntie at the age of 5 when his parents got caught in a tornado...

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