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Lockdown Strategy

Haou Devil 12

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I've been thinking hard on how I should lock out my opponent from doing anything. A few cards came to mind:


1. Royal Decree = To stop him from activating traps.

2. Wall of Revealing Light = To stop his monsters from attacking.

3. Skill Drain = To negate his monsters effects, but also my own.


So far these are the only cards I can come up with right now. They all lock Traps and Monsters, but I still can't find a card that can negate Spells. I know there are a few Counter Traps that can negate Spell and "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8" can negate the activation of a spell card and destroy it, but if I have him on the field while "Skill Drain" is in play, it won't do me any good. So if any of you have any suggestions, please reply.

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