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YCM Hall of Fame[16 Support]


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I don't know if this has been requested before so, if so please feel free to lock this. I think it would be nice to have a Hall of Fame here on YCM recognizing the pride of this website. So that even though they might be gone they can be remembered. Each member would have something put next to their name saying what they did to be put there(must be reasonable). For example if someone said "I have 1000 posts". That would not be accepted.

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Answer me this? How aren't the awards enough? Sure, the same people might be winning all the awards each month. Big deal. Get over it.


Many of the members haven't even accomplished anything on this site.


Anyways, this is just another reason to boost your ego, what we really don't need. No support.

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I support


A hall of fame would allow someone to let Roxas win for being one of the highest posters.


However the awards would prevent someone like Ragnorak from getting an award simply because he is not liked even though he has the highest post count. Also people would not get a award for being a close second on YCM.


Plus hall of fame means you are a notable person. Awards mean that you were the best at something that year.

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