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Club Pikachu: Temporary Base


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We're all mad, we're all pissed. But I am practically enraged.


Club Pikachu was locked for being a spamhole, and I have no choice but to make a quick remake until we get things sorted out. Luckily, I have saved the first post details onto a Word document in case things like this happen.


Please note that rejoining is not necessary.


But anyways...do not spam like you did before, and prove that we can be back onto the important threads. That is all people.






Welcome to Club Pikachu!




Welcome to Club Pikachu, the club run by the one and only Pikachu, and also one of the most busiest, largest, and most well-known clubs in YCM! This club has even had awards and achievements! This thread has been stickied for quite a while and we wish to keep it that way. We do card making contests, Pokemon quizzes and more! Any suggestions would also be very kindly appreciated. This club is also known for having MORE than 100 members, although not all are active. Have a fun time here in Club Pikachu and have a good day!


If you want to sign up, please fill in this form:


Username (your actual username, not a made-up name):

Number of stars (if below 4, it will be an auto-decline):

Favorite Pokemon (maximum 2):

Least Favorite Pokemon (maximum 2):

Do you like Pikachu? (please be honest):


Please note that that any forms submitted to me by PM will NOT be accepted!


[spoiler=Recent Notices]Recent Notices:


27/09/2009 - After much thought, we have now decided that club affiliates will only be accepted if the club has 500 posts or more. This is to prevent inactive clubs from affiliating with us. But if your club has less than 500 posts but yet you really want to affiliate, you may kindly donate 50 points to me for this to happen. However, if your club is inactive, chances are your club may be removed from the list and you would have to apply again. Thank you for understanding.


05/09/2009 - Due to high demand, we now have our own official Club Pikachu Forum! The link is: http://clubpikachu.b1.jcink.com/index.php?act=idx. All active members are expected to at least join this forum. Non-club members are welcome to join, but it would be better if you became a member here first. Thanks, and happy posting!


02/08/2009 - We had a big cleanup of inactive members who have joined but have not posted. Those members will be deleted permanently. Those with 3 posts or more in this club previously will still be members of this club. To strengthen this policy and to try and reduce these '1 post joins', only members with 4 stars or more will be accepted in this club. Thank you for your co-operation.




[spoiler=Club Pikachu Forum]





[spoiler=Hall of Fame]Club Pikachu's Hall of Fame


I would like to thank the following members for making banners/suggestions and contributing in this club. Also, certain members are in here for some lucky statistics (eg. Being the first member).


~Chidori-Kun: For making our club's first banner.




Draco Straybyrn: For making our club's second banner.




G-Virus For making our club's third banner and for being a great Co-Leader for several months.




Charizard: For making our fourth official banner and the first official animated banner.




Skuldur: For making a remake when I was away on March-May 2009 and for being a supportive Co-Leader.


Legend Zero: For being our first member in Club Pikachu.


Larxene: For being our lucky 100th member.


Seta Sojiro: For being a great member and serving Club Pikachu as Co-Leader for several months.







Feel free to add the banners to your sig. It would be great if you could add them. Also, if you would be kind enough to make another banner for Club Pikachu, you will recieve a rep and will be placed in the Hall of Fame along with your sig.






















Affiliates with Club Pikachu are often the strongest and popular clubs in YCM. If it's a starting club, Club Pikachu can always help you with adding more members and other important things to get a club going. We have also been known as one of the clubs that has the most affiliates. If you affiliate with us, you have made a good choice.


Club affiliates will only be accepted if the club has 500 posts or more. This is to prevent inactive clubs from affiliating with us. But if your club has less than 500 posts but yet you really want to affiliate, you may kindly donate 50 points to me for this to happen. However, if your club is inactive, chances are your club may be removed from the list and you would have to apply again.


If you would like to be an affiliate with Club Pikachu, please fill out this form:



Club/Organization Name:

Why would you like to affiliate?:

Like this club?:


Current Affiliates:



Yoshi Fruit Tree Union


Newb Defense League

Cafe N00b

The Official Sonic Club

The MegaVerse Anime Club

Who Knows? Club

Blobbafet Club

The Fake Type Rebellion


Current Pokemon Related Affiliates:


The Nintendo Community

The Pokemon Mystery Group


Current Stickied Affiliates:


Organization XIII



Current GFX Affiliates:


Winter Designs


Note: Clubs which are inactive will automatically be removed unless you fill in the form again/tell me.




[spoiler=Club Pikachu FAQ]Dr. Pikachu's FAQ:


Welcome to Dr. Pikachu's FAQ section. Here shall be home to the most frequently asked questions, asked by noobs or newcomers to this club. Also for those who are just bored too.


Q: Why did you make this club?


A: Well, I made this club because my dad encouraged me to be a better member in YCM. He got rather interested about this forum and wanted me to be a better member. I first made this club with a rep to all new members. This easily attracted 15 members.


Q: Why did this club get stickied?


A: The main reason is because of the large amount of members and, at that time, had a few member-recruiting contests and easily got a handful. Soon, with about 60 members, Tkill93 approved this club and it became stickied until now.


Q: What do we talk about here?


A: Anything that has to do Pokemon and, even better, Pikachu. This is a Pokemon Club by the way. We also sometimes post some funny pictures, usually found by various members. We also hav a few discussions on other topics too.


Q: Do you think this club would be inactive?


A: Recently, I had thought about that. I think a few activities would get the club up and running again like the old times. I once left for 2 months, but then I came back. That shows that this club still stays strong.


Q: I remember there was once a remake. Where is it now?


A: It is now locked. It was made because I left for 2 months, but then I came back. If you want to see the posts made in the remake, you can check the posts in this thread. The posts are from post no. 5237 to post no. 6072. Thanks to Frunk for merging the threads.


Q: Why are you typing all this?


A: Because I want to, it's for teh lulz. XD



[spoiler=Members and Ranks]Members:





Former Important Members:

Seta Sojiro (Co-Leader: October 2008-March 2009)

G-Virus (Co-Leader: February-June 2009)




Kira the Ultimate Force



Shiny Pichus:





Death Metal

Prince Hunter




Tainted Wisdom





X-31 Fighter



Mini Mizer


Dire Wolf






Every other member



[spoiler=Club Achievements]Club Achievements:



100 Member Mark

YCM Awards November 2008: Best Club Winner

YCM Awards January 2009: Best Club Winner



[spoiler=History of Club Pikachu]History of Club Pikachu:


The News and Announcements Sections that we previously had sadly collapsed due to word count, so here it goes:


The club was first thought of in a summers day when my dad said to me 'Going on the internet with nothing is pretty dull. Why don't you make your own club?'. I agreed and began the quest. At first, I had no idea what I should name my club, but with the delightful username of 'God Pikachu', I decided to name it 'Club Pikachu'. As my father sat next to me, he said I needed some prize or special offer to attract people. Simple: Reps. I posted this thread and it all began.


The first member here was Legend Zero (used to be Minatocloud). He joined and filled out the form, and I was delighted to have my first member. As I slept and woke up next morning, I was shocked to see 15 members already in one evening. I was quite surprised. I gave them the reps then removed the offer due to such an inconvenience.


After the first 15 members, some members were impressed with my club and started joining. Within a week, we had over 30 members. I then applied to the Important Clubs thread, but it wasn't 1 month old yet, and not ready to go up. As the days passed, I left to Hong Kong with 50 members in my club. I then reapplied and delightfully: it got stickied. I was so happy at that time.


I also started Club Pikachu's first ever quiz. It was a great success, with 7 members participating, and it was great fun. The winners were Aximil, *.Willieh.*, Death Metal, monkeybuoy (now Monkey) and God Duelist (now Seta Sojiro), with Tiger not winning. Oh well, at least we had the mini prize.


Soon after, God Duelist (now Seta Sojiro) joined and became a normal member, eventually after my first quiz and card contest, advanced to the Raichu rank. I was soon fond of him I made him the Second Leader. Right now, he is regularly active and proud of this club, as much as I am too. After a few months of inactiveness, he was moved down to 'Former Co-Leaders'.


As I left Hong Kong, we had over 90 members. Larxene, the lucky 100th member, joined this wonderful club and we had a grand total of 100 members. Soon after, legends including Instinct and Slash joined this club. The second quiz was pretty good, now with a wider range of members competing.


Soon, Club Pikachu had votes and various votes from club members, YCM members and even club leaders voting for this club. Soon, this club had won the YCM Awards of November 2008 in the Best Club Category, One of the best moments I had in YCM. And yet, this same story happened this January 2009.


Sadly once, I left YCM for two moths. Due to the popularity of this club, Skuldur decided to make a remake of this club. It was quite successful, but not as successful as this club itself. Soon, I came back after finishing my end of year exams. When I came back, Frunk joined. I am honored to have a moderator to join our club. Not just that, but he even helped merge the remake and this thread together, adding an extra 900 posts!


After a few weeks of reopening, Draco Straybyrn (who apparently is on my MSN) kindly offered his help to make another club banner for our club. I happily said 'yes' and in half an hour, he made the second official Club Pikachu banner. Soon later, we had a quick quiz to guess who made the banner and, to my surprise, no one got it right. In fact, they were surprised he made it. Soon after, three members joined our club, making Club Pikachu having 201 members. The lucky 200th member is E-hero shine blademaster.


After much consideration, I had decided to remove members that were not active in this club. The amount of members dramatically decreased to 140, compared to the former 240 members we once had. New rules were posted, and the club got a bit better from the change. Just a month after this change, I had made a new forum exclusive to our club. This was due to high demand by our members. But now with a forum, we grow stronger by the minute.


And now, it's still an excellent club. I am impressed of how much support I have, winning 2 awards in a row, keeping this stickied and active, and even from other clubs and organizations, and I wish this club to be the greatest of them all. Thank you, YCM and members, for making this club one of the best in YCM.




Leader and Owner of Club Pikachu



[spoiler=Warnings]Warnings for the club:



1 - Reason: spamming.

Don't remove this. Thanks.


Warnings to members:


Arcane: 1 warning (Spamming and warned by moderator)

darth killa: 2 warnings (Spamming and warned by moderator)

dhawan: 2 warnings (Continuous spamming and flaming)


Warning scale:


1 warning: A reminder

2 warnings: Close to being banned

3 warnings: You're banned from the club permanently


Banned Members:






[spoiler=Events and Activites]

Club Events and Activities:




Info: Once a month, we shall have a quiz and the winners will get to go to the next level. Reps and points may also be rewarded if necessary. The quiz shall be all about Pokemon (unless requested) and will consist of 10 questions. The questions will also be harder if you're more advanced in level. So if you're a Raichu Rank member, chances are your questions will be harder than a Pichu Rank member. Quizzes will be delivered via PM.


Event Status: N/A


Card Contests:


Info: If we have time, Club Pikachu will send one or two members and make a Club Pikachu card contest. The winner will not just get reps, but will also be able to advance a rank. The card contests will be mainly be related to Pokemon or a chosen topic.


Event Status: N/A


Club Mascots:


Info: Once a year (or maybe, once a season) we will have 5 polls on the 5 Pokemon Contest categories (Smart, Cute, Tough, Beauty and Cool) to vote for Club Pikachu's mascots. These mascots will then be featured and put into a beautiful banner with the year (eg. Club Pikachu mascots 2009) and be honored in our Hall of Fame section (under construction).


Event Status: Finished (awaiting banner)


Club Pikachu Fun Question:


Info: When the club gets a bit boring or something special has happened recently, I or one of my selected members will ask a question to the whole club. the person that answers it correctly get's a rep! But, you only have three chances to guess the answer to increase the difficulty.


Event Status: Finished






So far we have 178 MEMBERS!


Please welcome our newest member(s): KWLegend!


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Yeah! Remake!


Username (your actual username, not a made-up name): Jolta

Number of stars (if below 4, it will be an auto-decline): 5

Favorite Pokemon (maximum 2): Eevee and Jolteon

Least Favorite Pokemon (maximum 2): N/A

Do you like Pikachu? (please be honest): Yes.


Edit: Oh wait, so do we have to sign up again?


Edit again: Oh, just noticed the stuff on top, now time to start posting!

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You're practically enraged?

I'm carrying the rage of thousands of armies in the depths of hell on my back!


And because the original thread was locked' date=' I can suspect quite some people responsible.[/b']


NO WAI SHERLOCK, and shaddup.


Would you like to name the people responsible, then?

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BS Jolta. You were one of the responsible people that spam a lot.

If I can get Skuldur' date=' I'm positive he would say the same thing. <_<



You sure? I wasn't even on the Club the last 2 weeks. Derp


I think I left for a couple weeks, then I returned. Derp


Or was that a week? NVM. Derp


We'll have to wait for everyone in the club to notice this. Then we'll see their reaction. Derp. I hope this doesn't end up like the FTK. Derp.


Signing off

-Jolta the Jolteon

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BS Jolta. You were one of the responsible people that spam a lot.

If I can get Skuldur' date=' I'm positive he would say the same thing. <_<



You sure? I wasn't even on the Club the last 2 weeks. Derp I meant over the entire course you were on teh Club.


I think I left for a couple weeks, then I returned. Derp


Or was that a week? NVM. Derp


We'll have to wait for everyone in the club to notice this. Then we'll see their reaction. Derp. I hope this doesn't end up like the FTK. Derp. I can expect their reaction.


Signing off

-Jolta the Jolteon

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Codey' date=' Amaterasu was partially, KW, Insanity Prevails (AKA Snitch) we're one of the last posters.



That was the edited part of above post.


You failed to mention ^T^, Lyfe., and Ramanga (only a bit).


BS Jolta. You were one of the responsible people that spam a lot.

If I can get Skuldur' date=' I'm positive he would say the same thing. <_<



You sure? I wasn't even on the Club the last 2 weeks. Derp


I think I left for a couple weeks, then I returned. Derp


Or was that a week? NVM. Derp


We'll have to wait for everyone in the club to notice this. Then we'll see their reaction. Derp. I hope this doesn't end up like the FTK. Derp.


Signing off

-Jolta the Jolteon


Where are you going?

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^True' date=' ^T^, Lyfe., and Ramanga were doing it a bit, but they weren't one of the last posters to my knowledge.



Last posters, old posters, I don't care. I just want the people responsible for spamming it up in the first place too.


I'll be waitin' for the other guys' date=' including err... This guy, that guy, this girl, that girl, to notice that this thread was remade!


In the meantime, Let's see if [b']Club Penguin[/b] has any Affiliates suitable for me.



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