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wohoo lets celabrate with ....a contest


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well a few weeks ago 1 got a 4 star to me that seamed like a good acheavement so today we will post my fav type of card................synchro it can be a dark synchro a anti synchro a holy synchro any kind i dont care in this contest you earn points between 0 and 100 so 0 -100


1.if its not a synchro type card you lose 100 points (in other words insta lose)

2.the players with the most points win

3.lets mix it up with my fav att too its fire if its not fire you lose 50 points

4.the card must be balanced or -70 points

5.other points could taken off so try your best

end date is 11-9-09

enter fee is 1 point

prizes include

1st=1 rep 20 points

2st=1 rep 10 pioints

3rd=1 rep 5 points

see they are ok mabye

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Might want to increase rep prizes (you can give out a maximum of 6 reps per contest. standard is 3 for 1st 2 for 2nd and 1 for 3rd)

I personal don't care, I am joining:


1 FIRE Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner Pyro-Type monsters

Each time this card declares an attack, you can choose to have this card's attack target not be destroyed by battle with this card during your Battle Phase this turn. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) If you do, you can negate the effect(s) of 1 card other then this card's attack target and destroy it. Each time a non-FIRE monster is destroyed, decrease this card's ATK by 300. Each time a FIRE monster is summoned or destroyed, increase this card's ATK by 100. When this card is removed from the field, Special Summon Pyro-Type monsters from your Graveyard whose total ATK is equal to or less then this card's ATK.

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I'm in ^-^


[spoiler=Lore]1 non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner monster

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.

Increase the ATK and DEF of all Dragon-Type monsters you control by 300. In addition, increase the ATK of this card for each monster with "Eternal Beast" in it's name by 200. When this card is attacked while in Face-Up Attack Position, toss a coin. If heads, negate the attack.


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I'm game.


1 point? Ya serious? :)



[Fire Hatchling Dragon + 1 or more Non Tuner FIRE monsters]

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can add 1 FIRE monster from your deck to your hand. When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field. During each of your opponent's Standby Phases, inflict damage equal to the LV of the selected monster X 200

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1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner FIRE monsters.

This card is also treated as Plant-Type. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can send 1 Continuous Spell Card and 1 Continuous Trap card from your Deck to your Graveyard to destroy 1 card on the field and, if the card is a Spell Card, inflict 1000 Damage to your opponent. If this card attacks, you can negate the attack to Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower FIRE monster from your hand. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent, all FIRE monsters gain 300 ATK until the End Phase.

But I bet the Dark Synchro will win.

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Im in. My card:


1 DARK Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

When this card is Summoned, you cannot use 2 of your Zones on the field. You can place 1 Psychic Counter on this card instead of paying Life Points to activate any Psychic-Type monster's effect that you control. This card gains 200 ATK for each Psychic Counter on the field. You can remove 2 Psychic Counters from anywhere on the field to select 2 of your opponent's Zones. The selected Zones cannot be used until your next End Phase. During each of your End Phases, remove 2 Psychic Counters on the field or destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, you cannot use 5 of your zones on the field until your next End Phase.

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insonic you gets 91 points

Crystal-ice-mirrors 82 points becuse at a synchro it dose not have [] around it

ihop 89 points thats one good card

and rodri666 thats 50 for not useing fire types read the rules

Actually, it's only the pop-out pic that makes it good.

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Ill join:




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner FIRE monsters.

This card cannot be Special Summoned exept by Synchro Summon. This card returns to the Extra Deck during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Synchro Summoned. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each. Inflict 400 damage to both players Life Points when this card destroys a monster by battle. When this card is returned to the Extra Deck because of its own effect, you can discard 1 card to add the Tuner monster used to Synchro Summon this card to the bottom of your Deck.





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Milk-Chan = In.


[spoiler=Lore]1 FIRE Tuner + 1 or more FIRE non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Successfully Summoned, remove from play the top card on your opponents deck. Once per turn, by sending the top card on your deck to the Graveyard, you can inflict 400 Points of damage to your opponent. When you opponent draws a card, call a card type(Monster, Spell. or Trap). If you call it right, send it to the Graveyard. If you call it wrong, search your Deck for 1 of called card type, and send it to your Graveyard.


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