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Vanilla card Contest!{lock}


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Ooooh.... Good Vanillas.



A witch who proved to Arc to be a great card maker. One chosen to be the greatest 16 ever known. Her talent is well known in a place known in a place we call YCM. One can only wonder what she is capable of. All of this Arc saw, and Arc was not disappointed, as she proved to be a valiant fighter in the Battle Royale.

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OK, I'll join.



A mysterious Internet Meme that lurks in the galaxy. Every living being wonders when this evil face will strike their planet and destroy their world. A disease named after this being, known as "Shoop Da Whoop Virus", allows the infected host to charge his lazer and fire it, similiar to how this menacing being does it. You will never know when Shoop Da Whoop wants to kill you.

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