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OoC: Shush Artemis. I am doing things. I'm also trying to get one of the Advanced RPers to be the Avatar for me as I'm not capable of RPing the Avatar very well while running the plot. So while you wait...


IC: Loud smashes came from a nearby room. Bursting from the doors was a frantic man wearing cooks clothing being chased by many other angry cooks, wielding knives, cleavers and a few hot frying pans.


"HE'S A FIRE BENDER! GET HIM!" yelled the angry chefs, staying on the heels of the younger chef.

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As Tasaki's Ship sailed, she was on the Deck, Training "The sooner I can master this... The better" she said, as she formed a large Orb of Blue Fire. The Orb bagen to grow a "Wing-like" Texture and it opened. The Orb had transformed into a Beast like the Winged Dragon of Ra, but it extinguished itself after 5 Seconds "Thats better than the last time atleast" she said as she walked into the Ship to get something to eat.

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OoC:Who says shush? lol.


IC: Mitsuke jumped in fear and "Oh mah gosh!!!!" and she quickly with drew some water from within her pouch. She jumped in front of him and yelled "STAND DOWN!!!!!" Mitsuke manuvered the water around her body in a battle stance. "Firebenders have no right to be anywhere in the Earth Kindom!"

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Mitsuke glared at Xin for a moment before there was a huge blast of fire coming from the man. She exstingished it quickly by making a shield like item of water and pusing it over the man and the fire. she covered him in water and froze him except for his head. "Now then. Where are you from?!" She said with athority.

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The fire bender desperately struggled in an effort to free himself from his icy prison, with no avail. His face turned into fear.


"I was only trying to start a new life in Ba Sing Se! You cannot imagine what the Emperor is doing to us! If we don't join the army, he puts us in work camps until we die! I just wanted to get away from it! You gotta believe man!" pleaded the fire bender.


"He's lying! I saw him snooping around in restricted areas! He's a spy! Let's just get rid of him here and now!" protested the head chef, brandishing his large cleaver and taking an offensive pose.


OoC: Your first crossroads. Choose wisely.

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All the trouble drives Nikoto to wake up again. After a big yawn, she gets shocked "Urm where is the avatar now..?!" Than she spotted Mitsuke as she freeze the guy down. Nikoto hears somebody shouting "Firebender!". "What the...?" Than the guard says, that he found this guy snooping around. "Whoops... Looks like this is my fault..." Nikoto checks the situation. There are too much benders for her, but this guy is a firebender. "Damned! I imagine all this stuff so easier...!!!" Nikoto decides to stay where she is, in the top of a tree and to watch what will happen now...

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Xin couldn't take it anymore.

"Since your a lier Mr. Firebender.." Said Xin with a grin on her face.

She punched her fist into the ground. She soon pulled it out along with a boulder sized rock.

"Tell us why your here Mr.Firebender, or you'll have a big headache!" Xin threatend, her eyes were wide with excitment.

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It took quicker than expected, but Tasaki docked her Ship but made sure it was far from any Earth Kingdom Villages. Once that was done her Guard Squad got off the Ship and quickly scouted the are to make sure it was clear. Tasaki emerged from the Ship wearing her Signature Battle Armor, she didn't know ot the Earth Kingdom would be on high alert.


"Alright men, to Camp Duma... " She said, leading her 4 Guards to Camp Duma, which was only a 20 minute walk. Camp Duma was smaller than expected, but to keep it out of the Earth Kingdom's Veiw, it had to be small. "Avatar... Where is he!?" Tasaki said, taking off her mask, and giving it to one of her guard to hold. The people at the Campsite were silent "Well... I guess you need some motivation... " Tasaki pointed to a Large, thick Tree and fired a large Lightling Bolt at it, and the Tree fell with a lound thunk.


"Anyone know now?" she said, the people at the Camp caved it and gave multipul answers, most of them said the Earth Capital, others said in the Mountains and Other Various Locations. Tasaki and her Guard began to talk it over and decide which is the most likely location.


[spoiler=Battle Armor]




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"With all due respects Commander General, but I think the Earth Kingdom Capital is were the Avatar is... As it IS the safest place in the Earth Kingdom" One of Tasaki's Guard said "True... But that's what they WANT us to think" Another said "Commander General... What do you think?" "They obviously have the Avatar in the Capital, the only problem is: How to get inside WITHOUT causing major damage?" Tasaki said as she put her Helmet on "We could return to the Fire Nation to get more Numbers... But by the time we get back... The Avatar could be gone" She suggested, sitting down and thinking about which would be the better idea.

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At Camp Duma, after the arrival of General Kaguya, an imposing man came out of his tent.


"Hey hey hey! What's with all the rukus? Get back to your posts!" the man commanded his troops before seeing the General.


"Oh! My apologies General! I did not know you would be making an appearance here in my humble camp! What bring you here?"




The fire bender shook what little of his body he could move in fear.


"N-n-no! Please! Don't kill me! I'm innocent! Please!" he plead, "I have two daughters and a wife! If I die, they die too! PLEASE!"

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Mitsuke stared at them both. "Just stop the both of you and pushed them out of the way."She walked calmly to the man. She looked him in the eye. "It seems like both you and me are in a very bad situation. You see I don't want to kill you nor do I wish to let you go completely free." She said just like she was talking to anyone just like his life wasn't in her hands. Misuke took the water she was still holding and made it into a glove over her right hand. The water started to glow as if she was healing someone. "I want you to be calm down and tell me weather or not you are a spy. If not then why were you in restricted sections of palace?"

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