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Ooc : give me atleast a chance to escape! >.




Ic: Kurama did something what he never expected he could do , he moved his head and spikes appeared destroying the ice around him (Like king boomi rmember?or what ever his name is) And made a huge hole in one of the house he grabs Nikoto by her hand and they begin to run.



Ooc : hope thats not OP'ed

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OoC: Ask Otaku


IC: "After them!" She yelled and watched them all run off. "I wonder what the Avatar's gonna say once she finds out that one of her guards have been turned into a fugitive." and used all the water around into a large round disc and stepped on it. Suddenly the huge discstarted to raise up but while it was going higher the disc was growing thinner. Once the pillar of ice was at rooftop level she stopped and jumped onto the roof. Mitsuke started to run around trying to find the Avatar.

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IC: The soldier who recieved Axel's deadly strikes to his chi dropped dead. All the soldiers were unsettled by the suprise attack by an ally and they hastily backed away' date=' making a formation.


"A TRAITOR! HELP!" called one of the soldiers, keeping his stance.



Axle simply smirked. "Me? A traitor? Really?" Axle asked, shrugging. "Apearrently you guys don't know who I am. I am a loyal Fire Nation assassin. I would never betray my own nation. I merely saved you guys," Axle said, yawning. "The man. How well did you know him? Are you even sure he was a Fire Nation soldier? He seemed more like a traitor to me. I was saving all of you. And, as reward, I demand you to release the woman," he demanded. Even though he was lying, he sounded pretty convincing.

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Zhang continued to sail threw the Northern Water Tribe's water, trying to find a way into the Earth Kingdom from the north. He turned around and yelled out to his men.

"Men, if we don't make it to land in a few days, we'll have to cut our rations in half. Do you all understand?" Proclaimed Zhang. He had a look a malevulence on his face. All the men on the ship quickly understood.

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Dan watched the avatar greet her earth bending teacher with a small smile. Didn't she realize that the point of havung guards and escorts was to be guarded and escorted? He sighed. At least he had his eyes on her. He settled back in the crock of the tree he was hiding in. Might as well get comfortable.

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