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"Yeah! Free again!" Nikoto shouts, when the chains break

"What the..." covered again with earth spikes.

For a few second its quite, but suddenly the spikes break in a huge explosion.

Nikoto stands inside the fire, spewing out some blood.

"Thats not fair... But just all of you wait... NOW IM REALLY ANGRY!!!"

Nikoto jumps toward Sheng and cast fire on him like a flame-thrower

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Nikoto gots a direct hit and smashed the ground. After dust vanished, Nikoto crawls out and stood up again. "Dont worry... Im going to get you..." She casts two fireballs at each of her hand, and send them up to each side of Sheng. Then she moves her hands together and the fireballs went up to Sheng from booth sides "Your not connected to the earth, so i got easy gaming XD"

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"Another one...? Fairness is not your strength..." Suddenly she realize that her "Avatar" has appeared.

"At last, DIE AVATAR!!!" She covers herselve with fire and runs toward to Mitsuke and tries to fire-boddycheck her


OoC: Remember, she is still thinking you are the avatar ^^

@sheng never saw this before... so no? O_O

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Ooc : xD alright



Ic : Michaga wake up and said again "Ohhh my head" xD He then saw Nikoto doging spikes and 2 benders over there , He quickly stand up and begins to stamp on the ground , a huge wall appeared in front of him and he pushed it with both hands toward the benders



OOc: Horo it would be nie if you jump on the wall and attack them with fireballs :P

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"I disagree. Earth has two side elements. Metal and Sand' date=' so..." Sheng then turned to sand and dropped to the floor and rose back up. "Nice effect huh?"


--Is that possible?





IC:Mitsuke was about to attack Nikoto but when she jumped Mitsuke missed completely. She saw the wall of rock coming towards her and froze the giant arm of water into a spike and pointed it infront of her and the rock crumbled. Mitsuke got a look at her attacker and saw it was the same person who tried to comfort her and gasped.

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OoC: Wow! You guys are really posting a lot! Keep it up!


Also BTW, you know how the Earth Kingdom's elites were corrupted by Azula? They're all dead now and most of the guards in the city don't have bending powers. They have pointy sticks though (and very sturdy metal shields)!


IC: The guards nearby were hearing the ruckus and came to try to break up the fight. Five pairs of guards came in with pikes forward.


"Capture the fire bender! She's trying to kill the Avatar!" shouted the captain of the guards.


The guards advanced forward, shields covering all but their eyes. They slowly managed to encircle Mitsuke and Nikoto, who were in a close quarters brawl. The guards then put their pikes forward, trying to hit the fire bender with quick stabs, but missing.


While this fight was happening, the captain rushed to the palace. Hastily passing the gate guards, he reached the throne room, where the king was enjoying the company of his harem.


"Your majesty! There is a fire bender loose in the streets! She's trying to kill the Avatar!" shouted the captain.


"Call my royal guard! We need to protect the Avatar at all costs!" the king commanded. The captain hastily bowed out and left the palace with the royal guards.


OoC: The guards think Mitsuke is the Avatar too.


IC: The soldier who recieved Axel's deadly strikes to his chi dropped dead. All the soldiers were unsettled by the suprise attack by an ally and they hastily backed away, making a formation.


"A TRAITOR! HELP!" called one of the soldiers, keeping his stance.

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OoC: Artemis Fowl, I am not god-moding. As I was not controlling the character, I simply said that I formed chains around Horologias characters wrists and ankles, as that is the only position that prevents fire-benders from using their form of bending. And no, I am not overpowered as Matsuri has been water-bending for 7 years, and air for 1. Simply floating something with air is one of the first things an air-bender would learn.


IC: Matsuri sighed, forming another ice block, and flying away on it, this time kept in the air by water incase the fire-bender wanted to shoot some flames at her. "They can handle it..." She said, taking a small piece of bread out of her bag and eating it. "See you later, fire-bender!" She yelled back to the battling benders.

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The guards were pushed back by Mitsuke, who was assailing Nikoto with whips of water. They looked at eachother and without talke decided to go around and try to flank Nikoto before she got away. They spilt into half and took the sides of the Nikoto and Michiga, her earth bender ally.


OoC: I'll be back. Gotta do homeworkz. Don't go to far peoplez! ^_^

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"Oh no you dont! " said Kurama , he concentrated himself and all around him pieces of rocks begins to float , he then opens his eyes and shout "TAKE THIS" the rocks begins to hit everybody all around .



Ooc : dont forget im a very talended earthbender ;)

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Matsuri noticed a small house in a a tiny grove in the middle of a clearing in the mountains. That has to be it. She thought, flying down. "Eeeeeh?!!" She heard a shrill voice yell. "Hello? Sir? My name is Matsuri Kube. I'm the Avatar. The Earth King told me that you would teach me earth-bending." Shesaid.

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