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will add when i get back on


Element: Air

Name: Aruren tairoru


Occupation: traveling air nomad

Bender?: yes bender for 14 years

Personality: Smarmy, cunning, Seinhem always has a foxlike air about him. It's almost impossible to show him up, and he's nigh impossible to get him to show emotion when he doesn't want to. He's not particularly compassionate, but neither is he cruel, like a good boss or a teacher.

Bio: After the incident, Aruren left the east air temple . Although it was had for him to leave, he felt like he didnt belong. he traveled the looking for a place to call home. Eventually he managed to find a place he calls the haven (his home), yet he has never felt too comfortable, like it is missing something which he can't properly grasp yet.



How many points in the rules?:5

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Element: Earth

Name: Michiga

Age: 16

Occupation: Stealer and some little jobs

Bender?: Earth , he found out that he was really talented in earth bending and is now training to become beter.

Personality: Calm , Funny , has a weak for cute girls (xD)

Bio: Michiga was born in BSS by a poor family . His mother was captured when he was 8 years old by a his dad . Only thing he know now about his mother is that she is somewhere in Omashu . Since then he lived alone. When he was 11 and he as cought by 2 old ennemys he found out that he could earthbend and defeated easily the 2 guys . After that he was testing his earthbending skills and he found out that could do things that normal earthbenders could do after 3 years training. when he become 15 he went to his first tournament and he won. After that he finaly got money he fialy could go find his mother in Omashu . But the he heard that the Fire nation got a new strong navy and army and he stay in BSS to defend . (hope that good)

Appearance: http://tigerofthemist.deviantart.com/art/Dead-Man-Walking-35547261

How many points in the rules?: 5 xD



hope thats good ^^

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Got some problems:

- Your bio is too short. I'm expecting 4-5 lines. Feel free to do more though.

- Your picture has malfunctioned, you might want to fix that.

- What I mean by how many points in the rules I mean how many rules did I post in the Rules spoiler. You did read it...RIGHT?

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Element: Water

Name: Ji Jow

Age: 20

Occupation: Mercenary

Bender?: Yes.

Personality: A demented man who enjoys when other people are in pain. He has only a brief moment of sanity once he killed anything reminding him of his old life.

Bio: His mother was a water bender and his father was a rich earth kindgom merchant that lived in a harbor in the first place that the Fire Nation's navy attacked. His parents were killed, and Ji learned to water bend when he made primitive motions. He killed many and soon became a legendary mercenary. Realizing what he had done, he ran. He wondered until he was in the boggy swamps, there he learned proper water bending skills from the water benders there. He remembered about his uncle and aunt in Ba Sing Se, he soon left and found his way to Ba Sing Se. When he got there, his aunt and uncle didn't want anything to do with him and left him out on the streets to survive. He soon developed two personas to cope with the stress. One named Ji, the other Jow. Ji being cool and calm, usually the brains of the two, while Jow was the tactical genuis and blood thristy killer, but that was all 15 years ago. He now recides in Ba Sing Se and awaits clients working as a mercenary.

Appearance: emoanime3.jpg

How many points in the rules?: 5

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Element: earth

Name: jing

Age: 15

Occupation: he sold mining materials to people who either did not want to waste there time earth bending or could not earth bend.

Bender?: yes, he mined things out of the mountains where he once lived and fought off any animals that attack him

Personality: serious at times. really into his bending skills.

Bio: he was a simple miner earth bending materials out of the mountain and then selling them. he did not have a house to live in for he loved the earth and did not need one.he has heard about the avatar and really does not like the avatar. he has never really met one but he didn't like them.he won't tell anyone why but he is usually not talking anything good about them.

Appearance: [spoiler=pic]




How many points in the rules?: 5?

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Element: Earth Element

Name: Shung Tseng

Age: 21

Occupation: A helper in his uncle's farm

Bender?: Yes

Personality: Ruthless, will take anyway challenge because he never backs down. Cold-Hearted because he was treated with no respect and love from his family.

Bio: As a young fighter, Sheng did not gain respect nor love from his mother and father as they abandoned him in the streets. Sheng was then picked by his uncle to work at his farm then live there. At the age of 19, he left to tend his uncle's sheep till he met the avatar. Ever since then, Sheng then practiced on his fighting skills and the avatar chose him as a earth bender. He was sent to Ba Sing Se with the other benders of his element and made a new connection with them.

Appearance: [spoiler=Sheng Tsung]1133487061_ultshottie.jpg


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Element: Air

Name: Dan

Age: 16

Occupation: Freelance Mercenary

Bender?: Yes


Personality Joker, can also be sarcastic, impulsive. He tries to get along well with people but often ends up on their bad side. He is a lazy slagger but can be dependable if the situation calls for it.


Bio/History: Left the Northern Air temple after Learning the basics and developed is own technique. Because of the Air nations recondtruction, they are not only the monk filled people they used to be, they now have several other groups, including some of the mechanist desendants. Dan grew up in a more radical family that was a part if the mechanist desendants. He discovered that he was an air bender after he fell of on of the air state's balloons when he was nine. He trained for two years before leaving the state and roaming to make his own unique style. He was in a small town that the was attacked by fire empire troops but he fought them off. Since then, his reputation as a freelance mercenary has been growing.



[spoiler=[b]Appearence:[/b]] He did not recieve the air bender markings. About 6 ft. He carries a glider that can seperate into three parts and wears gloves.





How many points in the rules?: Four at first, then they had a baby girl so 5





Hey Otaku-sama, fire bending has lightning as advanced skills, water has blood and plants, and earth has sand and metal. I air doesn't get any! It ain't fair. Since youare making this RP and you revived the air nation to a new glory, could you give them an advanced skill?

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Well even though I'm in the other RP (since I'm running it,) I guess I will join this is you are going to keep it going. Also Necro If you give your character the name Sheng Tsung how could you not make him a firebender lol?


Element: Water

Name: Mitsuke-Means full moon

Age: 19

Occupation: A healer and teacher in Waterbending at the Northern Water Tribe.

Bender?: Yes

Personality: Mitsuke wants to help anyone she can but will not refrain from killing you if she has a good reason to.

Bio: Mitsuke was named after the moon because she was born on the night of the full moon and she had the ability to heal so she trained to the art of healing but did not want to be defenceless if she was ever to fight anyone so she was also trained to the art of fighting with water and ice. One day while she was near the pool of osias (sorry if I spelled it wrong) she felt something come over her like she wasn't alone that night and something told she to go to Ba Sing Se. Mitsuke obey and traveled there not knowing where to go or what to do.

Appearance: [spoiler=Appearence]12808water%20girl.jpg


How many points in the rules?:5

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