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Z O: Red Vs Blue :O Z [V3 Updated!]


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text could use some work

I can see the first one

I like them' date=' good job =)


Funny thing is I kind of like the text, but ya Ill change it.


I see both. Center focal is nu. Text is nu' date=' use something like Century Gothic or retro-style. They seem a bit plain IMO.


Ya I know, I dont like center focals, but I didnt have other ideas with that render. Maybe I should add some brighter colors? The way I have the kosmos tag, makes it almost look like a stock lol. Anyway, anyone have any ideas on how to make it less plain?

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You should work on making them more interesting. They are' date=' at the moment, pretty boring and lack the 'WOW' factor.


Guess its just that simple :?


Well I will try working on the style a bit more. Maybe ill start adding CD4's to make it more interesting, rather than just all brushes.


Here is the render for the 2nd tag Render


Edit: V3. Im trying to improve. Any better? I reduced some of my maps, and gave it overall more color. Added CD4, and a couple more effects. Changed the text a bit, also brightened that as well.

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