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A shadow cast upon the lands [Remake]


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Yes, it's Castle of Dark Illusions, and Umbra trying to make it act a bit more like the anime version.


Castle of Dark Illusions



8 / 0 / 3200

This card's position cannot be changed except by it's own effect. When this card is Summoned, place it in face-up Defense Position. When a monster you control declares an attack, you can change it to face-down Defense Position after damage calculation. When a monster you control is attacked, you can change that monster to face-up Attack Position before damage calculation. Once per turn, during either player's turn, you can rearrange all face-down monsters you control.


King of Yamimakai


Fiend / Synchro

5 / 2500 / 1500

“Dark Chimera” + 1 non-Tuner monster

If you control a face-up “Castle of Dark Illusions”, this card gains 1000 DEF. When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's Level x 300.


Barox, Prince of Yamimakai



3 / 1500 / 1200

You can Tribute 1 monster you control to Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower Fiend-type monster from your Deck. While this card is face-up on the field, the Summoned monster cannot declare an attack or be Tributed.


Dark Chimera


Fiend / Tuner

2 / 1000 / 1000

If this card is used for a Synchro Summon, the Synchro Monster gains 500 ATK.


Concealing Shadow

Continuous Spell

Monsters you control cannot be selected as an attack target. When this card is removed from the field, Special Summon 1 “Castle of Dark Illusions” from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.


Reliving of the Dark Dream

Continuous Trap

Activate only if you control a face-up “Castle of Dark Illusions”. When a monster is destroyed by battle, place 1 Soul Counter (max. 5) on this card. You can remove Soul Counters up to the number of monsters you control to Special Summon “Confined Soul Tokens” (DARK/Fiend/1/500/500) to your side of the field in face-up Defense Position. When a “Confined Soul Token” is destroyed by battle, destroy the monster that destroyed it and inflict damage to it's controller equal to the monster's original ATK.


Mastering of the Dark Arts - Shadow Bind

Spell Card

Activate only if you control a face-up “Castle of Dark Illusions”. Until their next End Phase, your opponent cannot declare an attack or change the Battle Position of a monster they control.


Count Helevor



4 / 0 / 0

If you control a face-up “King of Yamimakai”, this card's ATK becomes 2000. This card's Level is treated as 2 while it is in your Deck.


Plague of Yamimakai

Trap Card

Destroy all non-DARK and non-Fiend-type monsters on the field. A monster that was destroyed by this effect is treated as if it was destroyed by battle.


Necromancer Keldan



2 / 1200 / 1000

When a monster is Special Summoned from your Graveyard, place 1 Soul Counter on a face-up card you control. Once per turn, you can remove 1 Soul Counter from a card you control to activate 1 of the following effects:

• Add 1 Continuous Trap Card in your Deck to your hand.

• Destroy 1 card on the field.

• Increase the ATK of a monster you control by 500 points.


Evaporation of Innocence

Continuous Trap

When this card is activated, and during each of your Standby Phases, place Soul Counters on it equal to the number of monsters you control. (max. 5) Once per turn, you can remove 1 or more Soul Counters from this card to remove from play cards from the top of your opponent's Deck equal to the number of Soul Counters removed from this card.


Reaper of the Cards



5 / 2300 / 2100

When this card destroys a monster by battle, place 2 Soul Counters on a card you control. You can remove 2 Soul Counters from this card to remove from play 2 cards from the top of your opponent's Deck.


Wicked Henge

Continuous Trap

Place 1 Soul Counter on all cards you control, except this card. If there are no Soul Counters on your side of the field, destroy this card. Once per turn, you can activate 1 of the following effects:

• Until the End Phase, monsters with Soul Counters on them can attack directly. Any Battle Damage inflicted to your opponent this turn is halved. During the End Phase, remove 1 Soul Counter from all monsters that attacked directly this turn.

• Remove 3 Soul Counters from your side of the field. Draw 1 card.

• Remove all Soul Counters from your side of the field. Inflict 200 damage x the number of Counters removed to your opponent.


Castle Defender

Trap Card

If a “Castle of Dark Illusions” you control would be removed from the field, you can discard this card instead. You can remove from play this card to skip your opponent's next Battle Phase.



Catapult Turtle MKII


Sea Serpent

7 / 1800 / 2800

You can Special Summon this card by Tributing 1 face-up monster you control. When a monster you control attacks, you can increase that monster's ATK by the attacked monster's ATK or DEF, whichever is higher, during damage calculation only. After damage calculation, destroy the attacking monster.



Blood of the King

Continuous Trap

When a “King of Yamimakai” you control is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can remove 2 Soul Counters from your side of the field to Special Summon 1 “Dark Chimera” and 1 “Barox” from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.


Chains of the Dark King

Continuous Trap

Activate only when a “King of Yamimakai” you control is attacked. The attacking monster's ATK becomes 0, and it cannot be destroyed by battle. Any Battle Damage your opponent takes from battles involving the attacking monster is increased by 500.

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