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|₪| Codeys Club. |₪| - Our Club RP is up and Running!


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new topic: what are you gonna do for children in need




And another TOPIC: Discuss the Major Arcana (If Raspberry-Nii-Chan is here' date=' tell him it's not ARCANA FORCE)


Major Arcana? Wahts that? D:


new topic: what are you gonna do for children in need

Give them rice.


Still no ideas for a Club RP?


New Event!

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new topic: what are you gonna do for children in need




And another TOPIC: Discuss the Major Arcana (If Raspberry-Nii-Chan is here' date=' tell him it's not ARCANA FORCE)


Major Arcana? Wahts that? D:


new topic: what are you gonna do for children in need

Give them rice.


Still no ideas for a Club RP?


New Event!



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Good idea. Everyone has a single power and there can be types of people. e.g. One type of people get speed powers, One gets flying type of powers, etc.


My one would be, water jets to fly. He can make people freeze if they have his water on them.


Howz about that? ;D

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