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Milk-Chan vs TheCreator9464 [vote now]


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This is just a friendly 1v1 between two card makers

first to 6 votes wins, rewards are 1 rep to the winner and 1 rep to the loser.


My card



[spoiler=lore]When this card is Special Summoned, both players discard 3 cards from their hand. Once per turn, when this card is in Defence position, your opponent discards 1 card from their hand. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, pay 1500 Life Points to remove it and 2 other cards from play.




Milk-Chan's card




You must destroy 1 Trap you control to Summon this card. When this card is successfully Summoned, randomly select 1 card in your opponents hand. They must discard that card and gain 300 Life Points. As long as this card is on your field, your opponent can only have monsters in their hand. (They must discard any non-monster card at the end of their turn) By Discarding or Tributing 1 monster you control or own, you can discard the highest Level monster in your opponents hand, then flip a coin and call it. If you call it right, inflict damage x100 of the monster's Level to your opponent. If you call it wrong, your opponent gains Life Points equal to x200 of the monster's Level.



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...Wow, both cards are VERY suicidal.


TheCreator's effect is too short, I suggest you to make it longer and have a more interesting comcept behind it.


Milk-Chan's is between Normal-UP. This was caused by the last effect, because when you mean 'call', I don't know whether you mean card type or card name.


Anyways, Milk-Chan gets my vote.

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